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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Why Polaris? Why Polaris? Are you interested in kayaking near Juneau? Tearing down Alyeska in the winter? Piqued in making mosaics?Solving the problems of the 21st century? How about a trip to Homer? Writing, theater, robotics maybe? Better yet, how about doing all of this... "at school", instead of school too! That's not even the best part! We earn credit, try allsorts of new experiences and adventuresand it acts as excellent life experience. Intensives! Intensives! From a student's perspective, intensives are the doorways that lead into so many new points in life and show you the path thatbrings students into a world where they thrive in. They bring something new,something to try and learn but in way that is safe and more accessible and free. Skiing and Snowboardingat Alyeska An octopusfound in abay at Homer! Intensives also allow a great degree offreedom for not only students but for teachers as well. If either party wishesto try a new intensive idea or to teacha new class, they are fully able to and will receive much support from the school.Even students are permitted to lead and TAintensives and there have been many caseswhere students and teachers and parentshave worked together to lead Polaris on newintensive adventures. Writing breakin the Homer Intensive The Model UN intensive takes a trip to New York to participate in aninternational convention where Polaris students get to meet up with other Model UN students from around the world! Together they participate in mock debates and trials. Not interested or going to be gone for intensives? Well Polariscovers that too! Simply work out an independent study with your advisor and your vacation can be your intensive. Or youmay simply study somewhere else instead. Intensives can take you anywhere from Europe to the Galapagos to a private college'spersonal aquarium to anywhere you desire! The choice is endless. There is an intensive for anyone. Here at Polaris we cover any andall topics. From science to social studies to art and theater to skiingto traveling the world There's an intensive that will always suit your wants and needs, and on top of that, if you want to take your experiencethat intensive somewhere else and direct your learning somewhere else,the freedom of Polaris allows that too! There is an intensive for anyone. Here at Polaris we cover any andall topics. From science to social studies to art and theater to skiingto traveling the world! There's an intensive that will always suit your wants and needs, and on top of that, if you want to take your experiencethat intensive somewhere else and direct your learning somewhere else,the freedom of Polaris allows that too! Intensives provide an astounding amount of education choices to choose from.We went down to Homer and studied the tidal zone ecology, made mosaics fromold glass pieces, set up a theater, practiced creating graphic novels, go kayakingdown by a glacier in Juneau, build model drag racers, learned about the aerodynamicsof flight, and much more. However, it does not end there. What students learn in intensives translates over into real life and manifests itself as life experience, assistance in other classes, internships, and extracurricular opportunities. Theyreally come together in Polaris to make us who we are and to make us better. Intensives can include all kinds of students, ranging from kindergartento middle school to seniors; all in one class as well. This provides a real life, interesting experience as all grades get to befriend and knowone another and fosters the community effect of Polaris. As a student Ican confidently say that I, along with many other students of this schoollove and value these characteristics to our education. The fact is, there isso much to learn from each other and from the topic at hand when wespend a solid two weeks, simply studying it. A dissected cow heart. A dissected cow heart. Intensives also give us students and opportunity to take a breakfrom the hubbub and grind of normal classes; instead it offers a reprieve from hectic life and is an opportunity to calm down and immerse ourselves in a single topic we are passionate to learn about. In addition, what we learn in intensives is applicable in notonly other classes but in real life as well. This can lead to many opportunities outside of school and in real life such as internships,summer camps, even job expereience. Intensives also give us students and opportunity to take a breakfrom the hubbub and grind of normal classes; instead it offers a reprieve from hectic life and is an opportunity to calm down and immerse ourselves in a single topic we are passionate to learn about. In addition, what we learn in intensives is applicable in notonly other classes but in real life as well. This can lead to many opportunities outside of school and in real life such as internships,summer camps, even job expereience. Siri
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