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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Electronic brochure website Electronic brochure website E-commerce / fully customized website 100K 1000 10K Financial investment (major stable currencies) Time investment (people-hours) 0 10 100 Time = money = impact Basic web presence Basic web presence Semi-customized website Semi-customized website Semi-customized website Template based design on a Content Management System. Simple contact form for interactivity.Eg. Small organizations, professionals, light industry, single product or service businesses. E-commerce / fully customized website Template based or custom design on a Content Management System. Advanced features with plugins or customizations.Eg. Schools. medium sized businesses/organizations, startups. Extensive customization or development of various frameworks for both front end display and back end management. Eg. Real estate, online retail or wholesale, large businesses/organizations, museums and galleries. Fully customized implementation of web based services for large user bases handling huge data sets and large back end operations.Eg. Government, large corporations, travel booking, universities, insurance, hospitals, financial institutions. Bespoke website application Bespoke website application Web presence is all of the websites and social media services you use to interactwith your audience online. 1K DIY 2-3 page website with own domain name. blogging tools and social media activity. Eg. Accountants, consultants, lawyers, medical practitioners, home services and trades. Investment required for web presence establishment. Websites are notmagic cures. Theyrequire a lot of inputand maintenanceto stay fresh and relevant to your visitors. Purchase training for components you will manage in-house and outsource menial or technical tasks. Expect to pay more for specialists and experts. set clear SMART goalssetrealistic budgetsallocateappropriate resourcesmaintainregular documentedcommunicationmonitorperformance and value For best results: Additional resource will be required to maintain your web presenceand to cope with increased business/organization activity.Using existing branding assets is assumed. Addextra 50-150% for brand development. Targeted market/visitors; Content Structure;Calls to action; Customer Conversions; Text, Images, Video Content; Interactivity Coding;Social Media; Mobile, Browser compatibility;Search optimization; Site promotion; Domainnames; Hosting; Security; Back Office Systems. Many parameters to consider: How much should I invest in my Web Presence? For more information, visit:
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