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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Western World View National identity and citizenship began to develop the renaissance -- sociatys became moreurban, power was shiftingto city's instead of rural ideas.Monarchs supported the growthof the cities by improving trade lawsand taking down trade barriers.--Citizens developed ne ideas of belonging to a state as well as tothere community, recognizing suchcommon elements as language,religion, and beliefs in what lifeshould be like.-- Ground power was introduced from china,which changed the nature of the battlesbetween monarchs and nobles who ownedfeudal properties. Monarchs used taxesfrom the cities to purchase ground powerto hire a mercenary soldiers, which gainedcontrol of the nobles land and formed increasinglylarger states. How the age of exploration began --Each had an Atlantic coast which put them in a great position to explore unknown parts of the world--The monarchs of these countries financed the overseas exploration hoping to establish independent connectionswith the far east.-- The new ships designs, navigation tools, and navigational information the gatheredenabled explorers to sail to the new world and other far off places.New values favouring exploration, increase in consumerism, and accumulation ofof wealth, fueled the race to find new trade routes. Portugal and Spain wereespecially anxious to find new trade routes to the east. There willingness to fund largeexpeditions provided to motivation for wealthy merchants to do the same.England and France joined the race to the new world after hearing about the greatwealth being accumulated by Portugal and Spain. How exploration lead to imperialisum Greek,Rome, and other historical Empires had expanded their territories to protect there original home areas, but also toexert control over more and more land and its resources. They established systems ofgovernment to maintain control, and often they spread religions and philosophies to allof the peoples in the empire. During the age of discovery, European nations reachedsocieties around the world that they previously had not known about. They had soon recognizedthe wealthy these lands and peoples could provide and began to establish control over them.Over, time some countries such as Spain and Britain had built so many colonies aroundthe world that they had their own Empires. It was natural progression that policies of expansionwould lead to imperialism. Through there policies of imperialism, these countries maintained controlof new lands and their inhabitants. The imperialism of the western European countries was built onthe desire to increase their wealth and power. Their view was that the colonies and lands they controlledwere to further the interest and increase the wealth of the controlling country. The countries became very competitive, each wanting superior economic power. How imperialism affected western world view The exploration of new lands and peoples alertedEuropean knowledge of geography and history.Europeans realized that there were people with entirelydifferent civilizations and histories than their own.Although the European worldviews led them to considering their way of life superior to other cultures, European leadersand scholars were impressed by the aspects of the north americanindigenous peoples ways of life.
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