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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Wave rock The longest lasting wave General facts - Wave rock is the side of a solitary hill named Hyden rock- Wave rock is a part of a 2.63billion year old formation- Wave rock was formed bywater erosion around the baseof the hill- The name of the hill's formationis an inselberg Numbers Wave rock is located in Hyden park,WA. It lies 3km from the Hyden town,and 296km (184mi) from Perth. The "wave" stands14m (46ft) tall, and 110m (360ft) long. Interesting facts Paragraph on geology Hyden Rock, of which Wave Rock is part, consists of 2.63 billion year-old "biotite K-feldspar porphyritic monzogranite" that is part of the Yilgarn Craton.Hyden Rock is an granite inselberg, which consists of three domes. The central and western domes are separated by a deep valley, which is now occupied by areservoir. The central and eastern domes are linked by a lowplatform. A multistage process of landform development created these domes. The initial step in the development of Hyden Rock was the subsurface alteration by weathering of granite bedrock beneath a lateritic land surface during the Cretaceous Period between 100–130 million years ago - Over 140,000 touristsvisit it every year- This rock is part of a 395acre natural reserve park- A wall lies above the rockand about halfway up Hydenrock that follows the wave- Wave rock is part of a groupof formations, including hippo'syawn- Walls are common on other rocksall through the wheatbelt area While the Aborigines were the first to inhabit the area, it isbelieved that they gave the district a wide berth during the past century and a half because of fear of the spirit of Mulka. Many stones used by the aborigines have been found in their campsites throughout the area. Painted handmarks can still be seen on rocks at the Humps and Wave Rock. Both of these rocks have water catchments to serve the local community and tourist trade. Indigenous paragraph legend of Mulka Mulka was the illegal son of a woman who fell in love with a man with whom marriage was forbidden according to their law. It was believed that as a result of breaking these rules she bore a son with crossed eyes. Even though he grew to be an outstandingly strong man of colossal height, his crossed eyes prevented him from aiming a spear accurately and becoming a successful hunter. Out of frustration it is said Mulka turned to catching and eating human children, and he became the terror of the district. He lived in Mulka's cave, where the imprints of his hands can still be seen, much larger and higher than that of an ordinary man. Apparently, his mother became increasingly concerned about him. When she scolded him for his anti-social behaviour he turned on his own mother and killed her. This disgraced him even further and he fled his cave, heading south.The Aboriginal people of the area, outraged by Mulka's behaviour, then tracked down this man who had flouted all the rules. They caught him near Dumbleyung, 156km south west of Hyden, where they speared him to death. Because he did not deserve a proper ritual burial, they left his body to the ants: a grim warning to those who break the law. The formation faces no human threat as itis a protected site and is in a NationalPark. Threats such as further erosions andbursting of the dam are the main dangers.If the surrounding trees are deforested thanwind erosion could pose a threat to this rock.If the wall above the rock, use for funneling water into the dam bursts. Then a new threat ismade for the formation. Threats/Dangers Kangaroos, emus, wallabies, wombats, koalas, lizards, and every kind of bush bird can be studied and enjoyed, here at Wave rock
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