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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Making Connections: emphasizes that individuals learn best when they are actively constructing knowledgeand understanding in light of their own experiences. (Sandtrock, 2011) constructivism "What I believe in and have had success with are experiences for children that allow them to be immersed in their learning. Thereneeds to be real experiences for students,have students create something that is their own." -Cooperating Teacher (Anonymous, Personal Communication, Nov. 13, 2014) intrinsic motivation motivation that involves internal factors, such as self-determination, curiosity,challenge, and effort.(Sandtrock, 2011) Constructivism and Learning Experiential learning must be facilitatedby the teacher to give students theopportunity to construct their own understanding and make their learning their own.The learning then becomes student centered and is ideally led by intrinsic motivation. "Since learning is something that thepupil has to do himself and for himself,the initiative lies with the learner. The teacher is a guide and director; he steersthe boat, but the energy that propels itmust come from those who are learning."-John Dewey(Moreno, 1946) learning is constructed through minteractions with other, which take place within a specificsocio-cultural context. (Olfather et al., 1999) social constructivism "The socio-cultural roots of language must be taken into account as educators attempt to facilitate students' learning." (Olfather et al, 1999.) My cooperating teacher is currently teaching Grade 6 which focuses on Democracy inSocial Studies. He believes this is "not effectivelytaught by simply reading and memorizing vocabularyin a textbook." They participated in City Hall Schooland made real life connections with politicians so thatthe vocabulary came alive and they were able to make the vocabulary meaningful with the real life connections. A review of literature on experiential learningfound that existingwork doesn't provethat mere participationin experience islearning. It needs to be facilitated to providea meaningful learning experience. (Vespia et al., 2012) "Effective teachers make the content for the student,which increases engagement and understanding." (Roehrig et al., 2012) During a lesson on Democracy my cooperatingteacher was talking about the voter turnoutrate and stopped to explain that the recentshift in curriculum for Social Studies was a result of the lack of citizens participating in voting. This made the content meaningful and relevant to the students and takes it from apage in the textbook, to something they can seea real life application for. meaningful example: interview There are limitations to instruction based out of textbooks. Instruction is more when it involves approaches that are: effective "For the Grade 3 unit on Ukraine I had my students do the usual read, write, and view life in Ukraine.I also went further by teaching mystudents Ukrainian dancing, crossstitching in Art, and Ukrainian Easter Eggs. They were immersedin the culture of Ukraine. They had no way of not learning about it."(Personal Communication, 2014) immersed example: example: -interdisciplinary -collaborative -problem based-focused on authentic tasks-interactive projects-linked to broader standards (Jones et al., 1997) Brielle Waldner conclusion I found that experiential learning is not just giving students hands on experiences but making the experiences meaningful and engaging so that they have the opportunity to construct their own understanding.
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