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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Nationalism, militarism, and alliances causedtensions among European countries Late 1800's toearly 1900's - European Tensions 1882 - Triple Alliance Austria-Hungary, Germanyand Italy form an alliance 1907 - Triple Entente France, Britain, andRussia form an alliance The alliances along withnationalism, and militarismcaused more tension 1914 - Tensions again 6/28/1914 - Assassination 7/23/1914 - A-H list ofdemands 7/28/1914 - A-H declareswar 7/28-8/4/1914 - Europe at war Austro-Hungarianarchduke Franz Ferdinandis assassinated by Serbiannationalist When Serbia doesn'tcomply, Austria-Hungarydeclares war The entangling alliancesplunged all of Europe intowar Austria-Hungary presentsSerbia with a harsh list ofdemands to comply withor face war End of 1914-EnormousCasualties Both sides encounteredenormous casualties by the end of 1914 Late 1914-1918 -Stalemate The war settled into avirtual stalemate for the next3 years 1914-1919-Blockade ofGermany Britain set up a navalblockade to starve outGermany 5/1/1915 - Lusitania setssail The British passenger lineLusitania set sail for Englandfrom New York 5/7/1915 - Lusitania sunk Due to Germany's unrestrictedsubmarine warfare, a U-Boat shootsand sinks the Lusitania March 1916 - Sussex A German submarine attacks theunarmed French passenger shipSussex March 1916 - Sussex pledge Germany pledges to avoidunrestricted submarinewarfare August 1916 - Pless Conference German military leaders concludedthat resumption of U-boat attackswas unavoidable if peace hadn'tbeen achieved by 1917 1/8-1/9/1917 - 2nd Pless Conference German general Von Hindenburg requests resumption of unrestricted submarinewarfare and is granted Germany Italy A-H France Britain Russia 7/28/1914- Wilson Neutrality When all of Europe plungedinto war, U.S. presidentWilson pledged neutrality 5/7/1915- U.S Outraged byLusitania 1/31/1917- U.S informed aboutsubmarines 2/3/1917- USS Housatonic 2/3/1917- US broke relations April 1917- Sank AlliedShipping 4/2/1917- Wilson asks for war 4/6/1917- U.S. goes to war After the Housatonic was sunkby Germany, the U.S. broke relations with Germany Due to Germany's unrestrictedsubmarine warfare, the USSHousatonic along with other shipswere sunk by Germany A German count informed theU.S. that unrestrictedsubmarine warfare would resume, after a hiatus When the British passengerline Lusitania is sunk by aGerman U-Boat, the U.S. wasoutraged Congress provided Wilson with the declaration to go war on April 6 A German submarine sunk about900,000 tons of Allied shipping After the multiple ships sunkby Germany , president Wilsonrequested a declaration of waragainst Germany ...waragainstGermany ......granted......
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