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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Children in... Children in... Is a mask to protect people of poisoning gases that are thrown in air raids It started in September of 1939 when Adolf's Hitlers Nazi Germany attacked Poland.There were allies powers and Axis powers Because Adolf H had the crazy idea that people had to be judged by their religion. Axis Powers:Germany, Italyand Japan.Allied Powers:Britian, France, Australia, Canada,New Zealand, India,Soviet Union, China, and USA. Why Shelters Gas Masks Start Protection Growing up in wartime Air raids were attacks of planes throwing bombs in the sky Although the war was very dangerous, childrenn6king war equipments and not toys, so children had few old toys to play. Toys were made of paper or card because rubber, plastics, wAlthough the war was very dangerous, children went to school. Most children left school at the age of 14, afterwards some went to work, very few went to university, and at the age of 16 they could already go to fight in war. Children didn't have so much toys because factories in wartime were making war equipments and not toys, so children had few old toys to play. Toys were made of paper or card because rubber, plastics, wood, and metal were used for war materials. Children had to eat a specific amount of food per day and could not break that diet. Although the war was very dangerous, children went to school. and at the age of 16 they went to fight in war. Children didn't have toys because factories in wartime they were making war equipment's and not toys. WW2 WW2 Air Raids Gas Mask Countries involved People knew that their cities could be bombed so familiessended their children to safe places.When air raids came, sirens sound to advertise people, this ones were called air raid sirens. Daily Life Other way to protect was to hide in shelters.There were two different types Anderson and air raid or Morrison shelters. Children had to write letters to keep in touch with their families.Children were often left alone at home because fathers and mothers had to go away to war or to work, Connections We can connect these terrible 6 years of war to the book Hunger Games because there is a lot of suffering in bothAnother connection that we can make is that in both there is racism so we can connect it to Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela We can connect number the stars to world war 2 because in both children went to school in war time
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