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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The energy is then moved to kinetic inthe movement of the particles being brought together under their own gravity. Volcano Energy Transformations The energy starts at Gravitational whenthe nebula is being formed. The movement then creates heat fromthe friction of the moving particals. This heat melts the particles and creates the magma.The different temperatures in the mantle create motion energy in the currents of the lithoshpere. The motion energy is transfered to the magma as it pushes itself up out of the volcano. This energy is once again turned into kinetic as the magma takes the rock from inside the volcano and adds of it to the top. The magma gains gravitational energy when it shoots into the air and brings the debris and ash along. This is a continuous process that creates a volcano. The currents transfer the motion energy into the plates floating on the mantle. The plates use the motion energy topush each other up and create avolcano. Did you know that there is a very large volcano not far from colorado? Yellowstone is what is called a Super Volcano.If Yellowstone exploded,it would affect the whole world and put over 250 cubic miles of debris intothe atmosphere. This graph compares the percent of the USthat would be covered inash if the YellowstoneVolcano exploded tothe percent that would not be. 95% of the US would be completelycovered in ash. Bibliography:RT. "Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Would Be Disastrous for Entire US – Study." - RT USA. RT USA, 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. <>. Bibliography
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