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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 VOLCANOES Ruby Wu The EXPLOSION of Mt. Tambora! The signs for an explosion began in 1812, and it continued until 1814. But NOTHING prepared the people for what was to happen... On April 10th, 1815 Up to 90,000 people DEAD... BOOM! A loud roar shook the earth, and columns of flames shot up from the top of Mt. Tambora. A few hours later, a whirlwind occured and destroyed nearby villages, including Sangir. The sound of explosion then went on and on, as half of the Tambora Volcano collapsed.Ash floated in the air, ruining vegetation around the world; consequently, many people died of famine. The world's temperature dramatically dropped by 0.3 degrees Celcius. Year 1816 became known as "The Year Without Summer".Now, what are these "volcanoes" with potential to hold such devestating power? There are three main types of volcanoes: shield, cinder cone, and composite. Composite Cinder Cone Shield Composite volcanos are also sometimesknown as stratovolcanoes. They are tall,cone-shaped, and generally with a steepside. They essentially have a channel where magmalying in a large reservoir below can reach the surface from. The lava from a composite volcano can either be pahoehoe or aa, and during an eruption, pyroclastic materials are produced. Composite volcanoes are usually more explosive, as the lava holds more silicon material, and the Tambora (above) is an example of one. Eruptions from cinder cone volcanoes aregenerally less explosive and not much of a threat. Cinder Cone volcanoes tend to be small and cone- shaped. During their eruption, lava erupts from a small vent in the crust and the rock fragment flies into the air and drops back to the ground, turning into cinder called scoria. An example of one wouldbe the Paricutin Volcanoin Mexico. It lasted for asurprisingly long time and gave off smoke and arepugnant smell. The Paricutin'seruption ended in 1952. Shield Volcanoes generally aren'tvery explosive, as its lava holdslittle silica and have low viscosity. Shield volcanoes are common in Iceland, where there is a lotof activity in the ground. One example of shield volcanoes isNewberry, in central Oregon. Newberry is a massive volcano; itcovers 1600 sq km.
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