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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Glucose Insulin Diabetes By: Jasmine Singh Systems working together Diabetic individuals will often suffer these common symptoms Increased Thirst Frequent Urination Unhealthy Weight Loss Fatigue Poor Eyesight Excessive thirst occurs in diabetic individuals as water is absorbedout of the blood stream due to osmotic pressure. This is knownas polydipsia. The average adult will urinate less than 2 L a day however,a diabetic individual will urinate 3 L a day. The body will attempt toextract the glucose causing more urine to accumulate. The body will try to find another source of energy which is fat and muscle. As a result the individuals body weight will decrease because the body iseating the muscle and fat for energy. However, after insulin injection thebodywill maintain homeostasis. Glucose levels are constantly changing in diabetic individuals. Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose levels are very low. This willoften cause fatigue because there is minimal energy as a result of low sugar levels. Varying on the type of eye related illness they are 40 to 60% more likely. For instance they may suffer glaucoma, cataracts,diabeticnon-proliferative retinopathyand proliferative retinopathy. What is type 1 diabetes? Glucose is the quickest form of energy secretedfrom beta cells in the pancreas. In type 1 diabetics, the beta cells are destroyed causing an insufficient source of insulin. Individuals with type 1 diabetessuffer hyperglycemia. Systems within the body work together to maintain a stable state. Diabetes disrupts the flow and affects multiple systems! Cardiovascular System Nervous System Immune System Increased chances of cardiac problems such as angina, heartattack,stroke, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure Capillaries become damaged dueto diabetes this causes numbness and tingling. Amputation can be a result of nerve damage. Islet cell autoantibodies are responsible for damaging beta cells. This results inless insulin available for digesting glucose. Diabeticsblood glucoselevels canchange at any time.For instance... Before and After Meals While Driving At Work Aging During Pregnancy High blood sugar levelscan cause a life time ofproblems. Always manage your sugar levels. Ensure your blood sugarslevels are not below 70mg/dL. Have a snack and wait15 minutes,check to see if sugar levels are restored. Low blood glucose levels posea risk as your reaction time islower. Maintain healthy sugarlevels. Diabetic women havemore complicationsduring pregnancy.Birth defects are morelikely to occur during the first 6 8 weeks. As you age your body becomes weaker.It isessential to crucial monitor your sugar as you age. 1552 BCE 1797 1901 Oct. 31, 1920 Oct,1923 Sept.14, 1971 1600 1869 Dec, 1916 1921 1936 1978 First mention of diabetes by Hesy Ra Therapy for diabetes isfirst discovered Connection betweenislet cellsand diabetesdiscovered Banting conductsresearch ondepancreatizeddogs Insulinsold toUSA &CAN. Meter createdto measureblood glucose levels diabetes known as a general disorder Islet cell is discovered First treat-ment fordiabetesrecorded Insulin ex-tracted fromdog byBanting Discovery oftype 1 and 2diabetes. rDNA human insulin created History of Type 1 Diabetes Frederick Banting was born on November 14,1891 and passed away on February 21, 1941. He is well known for his contributionto medicine as he created insulin. Banting theorized that allowing thetrypsin cells to degenerate insulin would stay intact allowingfor extraction. Frederick Banting Elliott Joslin born in 1869 is wellknown for creating a bookfocusing on treatment of diabetes. Generally, the book emphasized that a healthy diet and exercise reduce risk of diabetes. These principlesare accepted todays society. Elliott Joslin Type 1 diabetes Prevailed in European countries. However, it is becoming more dominant in other ethnic groups There has also been an increase of 0 to 5 yrs.old with type 1 diabetes. Trends show type 1 diabetes is mainly diagnosed by the peak of puberty. Diabetes in 2030 will be the 7th leading cause of death. Facts & Statistics 80% of deaths due type1 diabetes occurs in low and middle income countries. Although there is no treatment for type 1 diabetes. There is however many ways to maintain healthy blood glucose levels. Injections andinsulin pumpto providebody with consisent amounts of insulin Symlin slows down the movementof food to preventspike in sugar. High blood pressure meds.are recomended forthose with diabetesand high blood pressure. Cholest -erol lowering drugs tohelpcholest -erol S Monitor your blood glucose levels before and after meals, snacks, driving and exercising. A healthy lifestyle cannot prevent blood glucose levels from increasing,always check! You can check with a finger pricking device or a continuous glucose monitoring device. Eatmore... And less... Exercise for 30 to60 minutes a day!Consult a doctorbefore hand. Possible FutureTreatments There is a lot of research that is being conducted regarding type 1 diabetes. As of now, researchers are experimenting with stem cells, islet cells and the creation of an artificial pancreas. 10% of cases are related to type1 diabetes. Diabetes Explained: Previously known as juvenile onset diabetes. The beta cells of the islets of Langerhans that normally produce insulin are reduced in massand little or no insulin is produced. In many cases the development of IDDM seems to involve individualswith a genetic predisposition as well as some exposure to atriggering factor such as a viral infection or exposure to certain chemical agents. Autoimmune responses are thought to be part of the pathological process. (Eye Complications, June 7th, 2013) (Explanation of Diease, April 2007) American Diabetes AssociationHotline: 1 800 DIABETESCanadian Diabetes Association Hotline: 1 800 BANTING Diabetes although it has no cure as of yet hascome a far way. Many people can survive withmedications and by improving their health. (American Diabetes Assosciation, Have Questions? We Can Help.)(Canada Diabetes Association, Contact Us) (Canadian Diabetes Association, History) (Candian Diabetics Association, Nerve Damage) (Copstead-Kirkhorn, L.C. & Banasik, J.L., 2009) (, 2014) (, 2014) (Epidemology, August 13, 2014) (Joslin Diabetes Center, 2014) (Noble Prize, 2014). (Joslin Diabetes Center, 2014) (New York Deparment of Health, 2011) (Sjolund, 2013) (Us National Library of Medicine, 2010) (Mayo Clinic, 2014)
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