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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN - A GLOBAL CRISIS The United Nations defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, bullying or subjective deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." Violence against women - particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women are major public health problems across the globe and violations of women's human rights. Recent global frequency figures indicate that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime (World Health Organisation, 2014). It is estimated that of all women killed in 2012, almost half were killed by intimate partners or family members. Aside from domestic violence, public rape, brutal acts of violence and genital mutilation, millions of women and girls across the world are trafficked and forced into modern day slavery. Women and girls represent 55 per cent of the estimated 20.9 million victims of forced labour worldwide, and 98 per cent of the estimated 4.5 million forced into sexual exploitation (United Nations, 2014). While violence against women occurs across the globe, there are a number of countries which highlight how treacherous certain parts of the world can be for the female population such as Afghanistan, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Pakistan. These countries are some of the most dangerous places in the world for women and acts of violence against women in these countries are on the rise. AfghanistanViolence against women in Afghanistan reached record highs in 2013 according to the Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan. Attacks on women increased by 25% and were reported as being more brutal and violent than ever recorded such as cutting of womens noses, lips, ears and public rape. According to the UN, violence against women in Afghanistan is pandemic with over 87.2 per cent of women experiencing some form of violence. The Democratic Republic of the Congo The Congo has one of the worst records of gender based violence in the world. According to the American Journal of Public Health, over 400,000 women are raped every year. That is equivalent to 1,152 women raped every day, 48 women raped every hour and four women raped every five minutes. PakistanMany of Pakistans cultural and religious practices pose a huge threat to women,particularly child and forced marriage, acid attacks and punishment by stoning. According to Pakistans Human Rights Commission, more than 1,000 girls and women are victims of honour killings each year, and 90 percent face domestic violence. WHERE TO FROM HERE Violence against women is globally on the rise. Domestic violence, public rape,female genital mutilation and human trafficking into labour and sexual slavery highlight the diversity of the violent acts that occur daily against women across the world. The World Health Organisation and the UN are calling it a pandemic in diverse forms. Violence against women permeates every corner of the globe. To achieve lasting change, it is important for countries to enact legislation, education and policies that Address discrimination against womenPromote gender equalitySupport womenHelp to move towards more peaceful and cultural norms
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