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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Post-war Vietnam and United States Relations Vietnam and the U.S. have shifted from rivalry in war to a confidence- building relationship, and are aiming to build a strategic partnership. Diplomatic and economic relations were virtually nonexistant for more than 15 years after North Vietnam's victory in 1975(Manyin). U.S. soldiers are sent home from Vietnam and North Vietnam emerges victorious. 2005 In order to stop some non-humanitarian U.S. assistance programs at current levels if Vietnam fails to imorve its human rights dilemma, the House passed the Vietnam Human Rights Act (Manyin). -U.S. welcomed Vietnam's willingness to host a U.S. office in Hanoi -Pledged $1 million for humanitarian aid -Travel restrictions between Vietnam and the U.S. were eased. 1992 2010-2013 1975 -U.S. provided $3 million of humanitarian aid to Vietnam-Vietnamese cooperation on POW/MIA matters imporved-Restrictions on telecommunication, commercial sales, and projects in Vietnam by nongovernmental organizations were lifted 1991 Congress passed and President Bush signed HR6111, confirming permanent normal trade relations (PTNR) with Vietnam. U.S. and Vietnam signed an international military education training (IMET) agreement. Vietnamese offeicers were sent to the U.S. for training and education. 2006 Tensions between the U.S. and Vietnam over human rights issues have increased. It is hard to make country-wide generalizations about human rights in a one-party, communist country, Vietnam (Manyin). 2007 Timeline: By the end of 2012, bilateral economic and trade revenues were expected to reach $22-24 billion as compared to only $415 million in 1995 (Hguyen). Bilateral trade volume between the U.S. has increased year by year (Hguyen). In the 10 months after Vietnam joined the WTO, year-on-year bilateral trade flows increased by over 25% (Manyin). China: Some Americans argue that our efforts in helping Vietnam recover should be determined by their authoritarian government improving its freedom of human rights (Manyin). Voices favoring improved relations have included those reflecting U.S. business interests in Vietnam's reforming economy and U.S. strategic interests in expanding cooperation with a populous country (Manyin). It is estimated that the U.S. spent $90 million, mostly for health related causes for Vietnam, in 2007(Manyin). Statistics: Over the past 1,000 years there has been tension between Vietnam and China. There have been disagreements on the South China Sea and who owns and controls it. Vietnamese may not love Americans, but they can use them as an advantage over China.However, the U.S. has to be cautious not to move too close with Vietnam in order to prevent the angering of China and loss of their trade negotiations. America's Opinion: Many Americans were very angered after the war. In order to ease their anger toward Vietnam, veterans produced tons of literature about the lessons and legacies. It emphasized the damage done to American attitudes, institutions, and foreign policy (Sitikoff). U.S.-Vietnam Trade Products (2009) CDC, Traveler's Health Forbes Wilson's Best Picks USDA Rural Devoplment
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