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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 grapefruit juice Video Optimization Process 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Ask Yourself Ask Yourself Compelling Introduction Compelling Introduction Call to Action Annotations Call to Action Annotations MetaData MetaData Thumbnail Thumbnail Submission Submission The first thing that you should ask yourself while making a video are: -Would it benefit my viewers? -Would it be appealing to them? These questions often are the coreof every good promotion The first thing that you should ask yourself while making a video are: -Would it benefit my viewers? -Would it be appealing to them? These questions often are the coreof every good promotion Next is creating an introduction thatwould make your viewers watch yourvideo from start to finish.Introduction should be kept short, since making it long might bore the audience. Next is creating an introduction thatwould make your viewers watch yourvideo from start to finish.Introduction should be kept short, since making it long might bore the audience. Video Optimization Process Within the content of the videocall to action annotations should be inserted. Some examples ofannotations are: like, subscribe,visit, channel, spotlight andvideo pause. Within the content of the videocall to action annotations should be inserted. Some examples ofannotations are: like, subscribe,visit, channel, spotlight andvideo pause. When creating a metadata, always remember that you are making a synopsisof your video. Never ever put misleadinginformation just to obtain viewers or subscribers.Adding a link to your website on the description would be an added promotion for your product or website. When creating a metadata, always remember that you are making a synopsisof your video. Never ever put misleadinginformation just to obtain viewers or subscribers.Adding a link to your website on the description would be an added promotion for your product or website. Choose a thumbnail that accurately represents your video. Keep your thumbnail clear and high resolution.The more attractive and compelling your thumbnail is, the more click it can get. Choose a thumbnail that accurately represents your video. Keep your thumbnail clear and high resolution.The more attractive and compelling your thumbnail is, the more click it can get. Lastly, after you have done all the steps 1-5, your video is now ready for syndication.You can upload your videoon video sharing sites suchas Youtube, Vimeo, Veoh,Dailymotion, etc... Lastly, after you have done all the steps 1-5, your video is now ready for syndication.You can upload your videoon video sharing sites suchas Youtube, Vimeo, Veoh,Dailymotion, etc... Video Optimization Process Link X SEO Link X SEO
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