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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectesursed do amusardo. Customer Service Satisfaction Overview - Q2'14 male 30% horror Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectesursed do amusardo. Crafts Programming Games Teach COMIC gardening Text 70% female Customer Experience-Video-Q3'14 double click to change this header text! FiOS - Red Optimum - Blue Shaded Pillars are NOT drivers for FiOS --Drivers of Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction roll up to 5 key dimensions or "pillars"--FiOS shares two of the 5 Optimum pillars, but these primarily drive satisfaction. --FiOS is less affected by "table stakes" that promote customer vulnerability.--Optimum and FiOS performed similarly on key drivers of satisfaction, improving through the quarter on "Easy", but falling off on "Tech Leadership" and "Good Value"--FiOS continues to outperform Optimum on "Reliability", while Optimum outperforms FiOS on "Empathy". Key Insights: Q3 '14 Implication: In the latter part of 2014, Optimum established a firm position on softer drivers of customer experience . In the areas wher Optimum has traditionally lagged,FiOS' performance has weakened, creating an opportunity for Optimum to close the gap. In the latter part of 2014, Optimum established a firm position on softer drivers of customer experience . In the areas where Optimum has traditionally lagged, FiOS' performance has weakened, creating an opportunity for Optimum to close the gap. Implication Implication double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. % Satisfied must be above 50% to contribute to satisfaction
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