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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Were Mao's Domestic Policies a Success? Marriage Reform First Five Year Plan Cultural Revolution The Marriage Reform Law of 1950 had a great social effect on the People in China, especially women. Overall, it was a success because it helped women gain rights and it helped society establish somehuman values. For the first time, bothgenders were looked at equallyBenefits:Abolition of prostitutionUnwanted female babies could not be disposedgovernment abolished footbindingunhappy couples allowed to file for divorce - Mao based his plan off of Stalin Five Year Plan- Soviet technical and financial aid was needed to modernize as fast as possible- private businesses were now under state control- 58% of government investment was to go towards industrial development- 7% would go towards agriculture 1 of 3 stages: collectivization becomes a harder goal to achieve-class divisions appeared within the class of peasants2 of 3 stages: merging from small groups to large cooperatives- parallel with dekulakization3 of 3 stages: moves towards small cooperatives- semi capitalist state- the more a family owned, the more profits gained Rise Youth! Long Live Mao! Peasants for communal living! Agrarian Land Reform = Imbalance of Government Investment This reform focused on redistributingall the land in China. Although Mao fulfilled his promise of giving land back to the peseants and managed to eliminate one section of the Chinese population that opposed Mao's successionto power. 58.2% 7.6% Intestment towards industrial Development Investment Towards Agriculture Hundred Flowers Campaign -1958-1962- private ownership of land abolished- quality sacrificed for quantity- deep ploughing for super crops- progress was never going to be sustainable- people taken away from fields to factories -movement began with the communist government to life the restrictions imposed on Chinese intellectuals (granted freedom of speech)- Mao invited criticism of Chinese communist party,but he ultimately did this to catch those whodeemed him.- The government quickly had second thoughts overthe idea of freedom of expression.- 300,000 to 600,000 were labeled as rightists Great Leap Forward Christina Varghese, De'Chelle Richards and Medha Achar - massive impact on China- given to Mao's attempt to reassert his beliefs in China- began in 1965 by with a speech by Lin Piao who urged people in school to return to the basic principles- Red Guards encouraged youth to criticize all of those who went against Mao- Mao deliberately set out to create a cult for himself& to purge the communist party of those who did not support him Education Reform -Almost all peasants were illiterate in 1949- Deng Xiapong began to reform China in 1948- language reform: Mandarin- Because of Cultural Revolution, in 1966-1970, 130 million young people stopped attending school- Moa sent them back to school "up the mountain, down to the village
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