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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INVESTIGATIVE CONTENT CREATION: Freelance network, journalists, documentariansBUDGET: $100,000STAFF NEEDED: 1 full-time (Editor)FUNDING SOURCE: EEJF, Organizational and individual supportPLATFORM: web, mobile, e-book FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS: January, 2014EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: June, 2014SUSTAINABILITY AFTER ONE YEAR: Folded into CT Mirror operation SOLUTIONS VIDEO CNP IMPRINT DATA/EXPERIMENT FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS: April, 2014EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: January, 2015SUSTAINABILITY AFTER ONE YEAR: Mix of original support, grants, sponsorshipsSUSTAINABILITY AFTER TWO YEARS: Mix of original support, grants, sponsorships FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS: July, 2014EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: January, 2015SUSTAINABILITY AFTER ONE YEAR: Mix of original support, grants, sponsorshipsSUSTAINABILITY AFTER TWO YEARS: Mix of original support, grants, sponsorships FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS: August, 2014EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: March, 2015SUSTAINABILITY AFTER ONE YEAR: Mix of original support, self-fundedSUSTAINABILITY AFTER TWO YEARS: Self-funded FUNDING PROCESS BEGINS: July, 2014EXPECTED LAUNCH DATE: January, 2015SUSTAINABILITY AFTER ONE YEAR: Mix of original source, self-fundedSUSTAINABILITY AFTER TWO YEARS: Self-funded CONTENT CREATION: Documentarian, User-generatedBUDGET: $100,000STAFF NEEDED: 1 full-time, 1 part-timeFUNDING SOURCE: FCCF, Perrin Foundation, microgrants, individual contributionsPLATFORM: Tiziano Project CONTENT CREATION: Freelance network/journalist, documentarianBUDGET: $100,000STAFF NEEDED: 1 full-time (Editor), platform creationFUNDING SOURCE: grants, sponsorships, individual contributionsPLATFORM: Customized with paywall CONTENT CREATION: Staff, User-generatedBUDGET: $100,000STAFF NEEDED: 1 full-time, 1 part-timeor variation of current staffFUNDING SOURCE: Grants, sponsorships, individualsPLATFORM: Web, mobile (no costs) CONTENT CREATION: All user-generated, author network in-stateBUDGET: $100,000STAFF NEEDED: 1 full-time (Editor)FUNDING SOURCE: TBD, literary grantsPLATFORM: Customized with paywall element 2014/2015 CNPVERTICAL STRATEGIC PLAN
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