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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2013 Homicide Rate per 100,000 Business and the Politics of Urban Violence in Colombia 1993 Homicide Rate per 100,000 Cali Bogota Medellin 38.22 85.74 16.72 Detroit Birmingham D.C. 54.6 31.4 13.9 -25% of Colombians live in Medellin, Cali, and Bogota.-30% of violent crime occurs in these three municipalities.-If surrounding municipalities are included, then 50% of violent crimes occur in the area. Cali-94' 124 Medellin-91' 381 Bogota-93' 80 Medellin: Reformist Approach Cali: Reactionary -Agroindustrial sector-Concerned with supply chain security-Local business collaborated withnational authorities to marginalizereformist agenda of small business and local government Bogota: Reformist Approach -Internationally oriented service sector-Concerned with investor perceptions of security-Financial service sector broke traditionalcolaboration with local government and alligned with civil society in reformistcoalition -Internationally oriented service sector-Concerned with international perception of security-Financial service sector broke with leftleaning mayor, and sided with the national government Colombia 95' 70 Colombia 12' 30 Latin American Homicide Rates 2012 1.) Honduras 2.) Venezuela 3.) Belize 4.) El Salvador 5.) Colombia 6.) Brazil 7.) Mexico 8.) Costa Rica 9.) Uruguay 10.) Chile 90.453.744.741.230.825.
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