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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Eye:Light enters through the cornea, which protects the eye and bends light to provide focus. Then passes through the pupil, a small adjustable opening. The iris surrounds the pupil and controls its size, a colored muscle that dilates or constricts in response to light intensity and inner emotion. They are so distinctive that an iris-scanning machine can confirm your identity. Behind the pupil is a lens that focuses incoming light rays into an image on the retina, a tissue on the eyeballs sensitive inner surface. The lens focuses the rays by changing its curvature in a process called accommodation. ) ) ) Perceptual Set- Set of mental tendencies and assumptions that greatly affects (top-down) what we perceive. Touch: This sense is essential to our development. It is a mix of distinct senses of pressure, warmth, cold, and pain. Touching various spots on the skin with a soft hair, a warm or cool wire, and the point of a pin reveals that some spots are especially sensitive to each sense. The brain is wise enough to be most sensitive to unexpected stimulation such as someone tickling you. Hearing:Is the sense through which a person or animal is aware of sound. The pinna directs the sounds into the ear canal. The ear canal directs the sound to the middle ear.The ear drum captures sounds and sends it down to the hammer. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup transmit sound waves from the ear drum, to the inner ear. The eustachian tube evens out the air pressure in the ear drum. The cochlea has little hairs around it that send sounds to the.The auditory nerves sends hearing information to the brain. The semicircular canal helps you keep your balance Perceptions- Are influenced, top-down, not only by our expectations and by the context, but also by our emotions and motivation Taste and Small:Taste and smell are separate senses with their own receptor organs, yet they are intimately entwined. Tastants, chemicals in foods, are detected by taste buds, which consist of special sensory cells. When stimulated, these cells send signals to specific areas of the brain, which make us conscious of the perception of taste.Similarly, specialized cells in the nose pick up odorants, airborne odor molecules.Odorants stimulate receptor proteins found on hairlike cilia at the tips of the sensory cells, a process that initiates a neural response. Ultimately, messages about taste and smell converge, allowing us to detect the flavors of food.
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