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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 UNIT 3: Biological Bases of Behavior Biological Bases of Behavior The nervous system is our body's fastest communication systemand neurons are simply the building blocks of it. Neurotransmittersthat are released in response to pain and rigorous exerciseare known as endorphins. The Nervous and Endocrine System Studying The Brain & Its Older Structures One of the early discoveries of the brain is that manyinstances of brain damage on the left side of the braincorresponded to paralysis on the right side and vice versa. Another early discovery of the brain was that the severing of the reticular formation would normally cause the animal or human to fall into a coma. Depending on the where damage occurs, other side effects can happen suchas loss of vision, speech difficulties, etc. The Cerebral Cortex The frontal lobe is responsible for making judgement,speaking, movement, and making plans. The parietal lobereceives the sensory input for body positions and touch. The occipital lobe receives messages from visual fields. Brain Hemisphere Organization & Biology of Consciousness Behavior Genetics Both hemispheres of the brain are connected by the corpus callosum.The corpus callosum is a band of neural fibers that not only connects but also carries messages between both hemispheres as well. Philip Vogel and Joseph Bogen divided the brain to stopseizures and the operation was ultimately successful without anymajor affects to the patient's personality or intellect. Those who study our differences caused by heredity are known as behavior geneticists. Genes are small segments of the giant DNA molecules. Our shared genetic code is what commonly makes ushuman. Molecular genetics is the subfield of biology that covers themolecular structure and function of genes. Evolutionary Psychology The human genome is the reason that all humans behave so similarly. For example, all humans eat and sleep. Because ofnatural selection, women's approach to sex is often more relational while the men's approach is often recreational.Women pair wisely while men pair widely. The information that travels through the nervous system is carried by 3 types of neurons: sensory, motor, and interneurons. The endocrinesystem is a set of glands that secretes hormones into the bloodstream.
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