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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TPACK TPACK organize and visualize the relationshipbetween different types of knowledge selfreflection on proficiency with each type of knowledge plan, discuss, and share resources with other teachers - organize and visualize the relationshipbetween different types of knowledge - self-reflection on proficiency with each type of knowledge -plan, discuss, and share resources with other teachers Successful LearningExperiences Pedagogical Knowledge Rainforests contain170,000 of the world's 250,000 plant species ContentKnowledge leads to effectiveinstruction SOURCES: -Kilbane, C. & Milman, N. (2014). Models and tools for 21st Century Teaching. Allyn & Bacon: Boston.- TPACK is a way for teachers to develop and organize the different types of knowledge neededto be successful in the 21st century. 21st Century Knowledge Domains understandingof facts,concepts,theories Technological Content Technological Pedagogical Pedagogical Content decision-makingabout methodsand organization Technological Knowledge understanding of technology that supports learning understandingof how technology supports each content area using technology to support activities and instruction TK CK PK TCK TPACK TPK PCK History of TPACK Lee Shulman developed the idea of pedagogical content knowledge in the 1980s. This idea was expandedto include technology by Mishraand Koehler in 2006. PegagogyContentTechnology Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Benefits and Usage The effective use and balance ofthe 21st century knowledge domainsincreases teachers' effectivenessin their teaching practice. The effective use and balance ofthe 21st century knowledge domainsincreases teachers' effectivenessin their teaching practice. TK: Technological KnowledgeCK: Content KnowledgePK: Pedagogical KnowledgeTCK: Technological Content KnowledgePCK: Pedagogical Content KnowledgeTPK: Technological Pedagogical KnowledgeTPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
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