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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard 1961-Yuri Gargarin was the first human in space and he rode on the soviet vostok 1 1957-The first satellite to orbit earth was called Sputnik, launched by the Soviet Union 1961-The first American to reach space was named Alan Shepard on Freedom 7 1963-The first women to go to space was named Valentina Tereshkova on the Vostok 6 1962-John Glenn orbited earth the first and went around three times! 1965-Alex Leonov walks ten minutes on Voshkod 2 1967-Virgil Grissom,Ed White,and Roger Chaffee die due to fire 1969-During the Apollo 11 flight Neil Armstrong took one small step on the moon 1970-A gas tanks explodes and mission control has to help for the rescue 1971-The soviet union launched the first space station to orbit 1973-The american space station was called skylab,but it got damaged in flight 1976-The viking 1 was the first probe to take pictures of mars surface 1983-The first american women in space was named sally ride on the STS-7 1983-The first African-American to space was named Guion Bluford on August 30 double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. 1986-The 7 civilians that died were team members and one teacher double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. space spin off!One space spin off is memory foam! In the 1970s they used memory foam to have a safe landing space spin off!This spin off is called an earthermometer.In space they used the thermometer to see the energy emitted from the ear drum. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. space spin off!In space they used a cat scanner for seeing a safe landing spot. Did you know?:Every two out of twelve men went on a different Apollo mission. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Did you know?:Skylab uses space suits like Apollo. Did you know?:Astronauts use special orange suits for landing and taking off.
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