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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Ewe Won't Believe How Much Sheep Have Contributed to the Medical World! Top Advancements Made Thanks To These Wooly Creatures Include: Sheep were credited for developing the ANTHRAX vaccine in 1881 Testing on sheep has helped advance the possibility for hip replacement surgery (started in 1987) double click to change this title text! Sheep are used as research models to study diseases such as Tay Sachs Surgical techniques are perfected by using sheep (ongoing) Sheep have made huge contributions to stem cell research (July 5, 1996) Sheep were credited for the first blood transfusion and advances have been made due to this Pharmaceuticals are produced in the blood and milk of sheep (2010) Scientists use wool proteins to create new wound dressings, bone graft implants, and medical sutures (began in 1991) 'Dolly the Sheep' was the first animal cloned using Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer and this is still the foremost method of cloning used. The major advance of this was to show that cells could be reprogrammed to function as a difference cell type. Stem Cell research is so important and tied to cloning because it allows for new heart, muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other cell in the body to be made. The first fully documented blood transfusion was carried out by Dr. Jean Baptiste Denys on June 15, 1667. He transfused the blood from a sheep into a 15 year old boy. Future practices and advancements in blood transfusions were based off of this initial documented transfusion. Different kinds of culture media can be used to isolate microorganisms and diagnose infection. Sheep blood is the most widely used animal blood product in culture media. Drug development compaies use sheet and their blood as drug factories to derive critical care products to treat things such as snake bites. double click to change this header text! Research has revealed that Tay-Sachs disease exists in some flocks of sheep. Tay-Sachs is a deadly disease of the nervous system passed down by families. Sheep are being used as a model to study Tay-Sachs disease and develop gene therapies that may one day provide a cure for the deadly disease. (2005) Torin Fellows 12/22/2014
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