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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Top milk Argentina 1.Central Italy Red2.Northern Italy Red3.Southern Italy Red Spain France 1.Bordeaux Left Bank2.Languedoc-Roussillon3.Burgundy Red Wine Styles 1.Spanish Rioja2.Spanish Red3.Bordeaux Left Bank Italy Europe Mostly drinking... Spanish wines! Mostly drinking... French wines! Mostly drinking... Italian wines! UK They're keeping things strictly Latin in South America with Chilean and Argentinian wines claiming the top 3 spots in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. North America Mexico Canada U.S.A Mostly drinking... Spanish wines! Mostly drinking... American wines! Mostly drinking... American wines! 1.Spanish Ribera Del Duero2.Spanish Rioja3.Spanish Red Mostly drinking... Spanish wines! Ooh là là, domestic wines are preferred in France, Spain and Italy! The Brits' top choice for reds are the Spanish ones, while New World doesn't make it into the top 3. While USA and Canada opt for Californian red, it's interesting to see that Mexico plump for the Old World wines - in particular, the Spanish ones! 1.Californian Cabernet Sauvignon2.Californian Red Blend3.Argentinian Malbec South America Chile Brazil 1.Spanish Red2.Spanish Rioja3.Spanish Ribera Del Duero Argentina 1.Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon2.Chilean Carmenere3.Chilean Syrah Mostly drinking... Chilean wines! 1.Argentinian Malbec2.Argentinian CabernetSauvignon3.Argentinian Pinot Noir Mostly drinking... Argentinian wines! 1.Argentinian Malbec2.Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon3.Chilean Carmenere Brazilians love both Chilean & Argentinian wines Asia Australia HongKong Japan 1.Burgundy2.Bordeaux Left Bank3.Bordeaux 1.Bordeaux Left Bank2.Bordeaux Right Bank 3.Burgundy 1.Australian Shiraz2.Australian Cabernet Sauvignon3.Australian Pinot Noir Mostly drinking... French wines! Mostly drinking... Australian wines! Mostly drinking... French wines! Hong Kong and Japan show a clear taste for French fine Bordeaux and Burgundy, giving the cold shoulder to the New World countries. Australia's top 3 reds are Australian of course! 1.Californian Cabernet Sauvignon2.Californian Red Blend3.Californian Pinot Noir Drank Around the World What are people really drinking?
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