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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ? When too much exercise becomes a problem Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Exerciseand Exercise Bulimiasymptoms: Exercise Bulimia Compulsive exercisers buildtheir lives around working outand are genuinely distressedif they can't exercise as muchas they feel they need to (or should be). Exercise bulimia is similar, butinvolves eating binges. People whosuffer from exercise bulimia oftenbinge on food and then exerciseobsessively to make up for it.Exercise becomes a way to controlcalories, justify eating, and punishoneself for eating too much or eatingthe "wrong" things. VS It's a matter of attitude and whether your thoughts andbehaviors about exercise mirror the list of symptoms describedbelow. When exercise becomes one of the most importantaspects of your life, and when your life revolves around exercise,it could be more than dedication—it could be an unhealthy obsession. Associated Health Problems Choosing to exercise instead of going to work or enjoying social activities with friends or loved ones Refusing to take any rest or recovery days, even when injured Continuing to exercise even when ill Exercising to the point of exhaustion Never exercising for fun Experiencing severe stress and emotional upset, including depression, if unable to exercise Obsession with calories eaten and calories burned Preoccupation with burning calories throughout the day, even when not exercising Source: how do you know if you're exercising too much? Fatigue Suppressed immune system Reproductive problems (amenorrhea in women due to a lack of body fat) Heart problems (such as muscle wasting and rhythm problems) Dehydration Arthritis Osteoporosis Stress fractures and sprains Kidney failure Mental and emotional upset Anxiety and depression The scary thing about an addiction to exercise is that it creepsup gradually, usually among everyday people who startexercising, feel good afterward, revel in the calories they're burning,have a desire to get healthier or lose weight, and therefore startbelieving that more is better. Oftentimes, people who develop anexercise compulsion don't feel like there's anything wrong withwhat they do. They think that what they're doing is healthy, andcan't understand how others don't see it that way. Exercising for up to 60-90 minutes, most days of the weekis reasonable and healthy for most peopleas long as recovery and downtime is built in.Competitive athletes may exercise for hours each daywithout any problem. Regular exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle andsound weight-loss program. In fact, most experts suggestthat we get 60 minutes of exercise each day for optimalhealth. But while a little exercise is a good thing, takingexercise to the extreme can cause serious health issues,even death. When few adults exercise regularly, and manystruggle to find just 20 minutes to dedicate to a workout, itmay be hard to believe that some people place exerciseat the center of their lives.
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