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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Time to your creativity! show us Your creativity as photographers is DIY Filters! DIY Filters! leaving me speechless. I am so impressed!. I want to challenge you with some DIY {do-it-yourself} projects. So, imagination is important because we are diving into Pinhole Photography! Your Try using colored marker on packing tape, coloring directly onto your lens, using your sunglasses or soda pop bottles or holding a prism in front of the camera! What you need to do? DIY Picture Perfect DIY Picture Perfect! Show friends and family that life is "picture perfect". Get started now! + Phinole Camera + Poster board+ Glue + Markers + Pen What You'll Need? How to create your album? To completely transform your image try to make a filter for your lens! Step 1: Tell us your story by using photographs! Find something you want to take a picture of - your bike, a flower,etc- and point the pinhole end of your camera towards it. Step 2: Make every picture count! After the pictures are developed, mount them on poster board with glue.Step 3: Write a few words under each picture describing the photo and why it was taken. Pinhole PhotoTaking Tips Pinhole Photo-Taking Tips Long exposures Pinhole photography works best with a long exposures. Because youropening is teeny tiny, you needto compensate for the light witha long exposure. This means you may have to set your exposure for a minute or two. Remember, the smaller the pinhole, the sharper the image,but the longer the exposure Pinhole Photography is all about trial and error so don't be discouraged if things don't automatically look the way you want them to. Besides, the fun of pinhole photography is that the pictures look a lot more cool and arty than regular pics Happy Snapping! Make sure that... Relax and have fun, it's just art Relax and have fun, it's just art! Both the camera and thesubject don't move thewhole time you're taking thepicture. If you're taking apicture of a person, tellthem to hold still or they'llturn out super fuzzy. Because you are using along exposure, you will have to compensate forcamera shake. Use a tripod or a remote shutter. Watch out forcamera shake
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