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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] 1920's Timeline of India 1920-1930's 2. Ghandi changed congress into a mass nationalist movement that in cooperated all sectors of Indian society. ( not only based on class but also based on ethnicity and religion.) 1930's 3. The Khalifat became one of Gandhi's most strongest supporters after WW1. this shows the courageous display of unity among Muslims, Hindu's and Sikhs' living during that time period. 4. The boycotts seamed to be working as 20,000 protesters were arrested and Gandhi was arrested and sentenced to 6 years in prison but released due to health issues. He abstained from politics until 1929. 5. During his abstinence from politics Gandhi fought for greater heights for the untouchables and managed to negotiate reforms for the caste system. Communal tentions 6. A trend of violent campaigns has surfaced among the Hindu's and Muslims. There was also a growth of tension due to the emergence of a new form of Hinduism which prompted an anti-Muslim league. 7. Collapse of the Ottoman empire affected the Muslim league they offered to draw up proposals with congress for the constitutional reform but congress denied their request due to economical factors. - Simon Commission was appointed to make recommendations for constitutional reforms in India however congress rejected it because there were no Indians in the commission.- Nehru proposed dominion status and full self government- Jinnah suggested separate representation for the Muslim league to protect their position as a minority 8. Political and Constitutional developments 9. Radical protests(students,urban youth groups) and a series of strikes in Bombay by the communist party. 1928 1929 11. Gandhi backed the demand for complete independence and the failure of the British response pushed congress into a radical response. 10. The British still ignored the proposal of dominion statusand impatienceincreased in India. 1. Gandhi began a match of nearly 250 miles to the coast where he picked up a lump of salt (symbolically breaking the law) and various protests began as people began breaking the salt laws. 2. There was a large media outbreak of this act and asa result the British acted by1930,100,000 people and100 killed by the police. Ghandi was arrested 3. The British then decided on negotiations at the round table in London of which congress boycotted and thus little progress was made. Wall street crash leads to the start of the great depression. 4. Gandhi was releases by Irwin(Viceroy of India) and they had talks with him in Delhi where Gandhi called off the civil disobedience campaign while the British recognized the development of Indigenous Indian manufacturing. The second round of talks in London did not reach a civil cause and on Gandhi's return he renewed the civil disobedience. 1931 5. Gandhi was arrested which lead to a wide spread resistance where peasants refused to pay taxes and support for boycotts increased and 80,000 people were arrested. 1932 6. The British decided on a political engineering to divide India through a voting formula the in cooperated separate electorates for different religions.This lead to a nationwide fast lead by Gandhi. 7. The Muslim league drafted its fast demands for an independent state- Parkistan. 1935 8. Government of India act- a new form of constitutional reforms which gave more control over the provinces to elect Indian ministries but the British still had emergency powers whereby they would use them when necessary. Many leaders rejected this as it was found to be an act by the British to maintain its rule in India 1937 9. INC however participated in the 1937 elections and emerged as the most influential political force (70%) while the Muslim league winning barely 5% 10. Even though the Muslim league did not win the election they wanted to form a coalition with congress however congress refused and this attitude was refused to by many historians as arrogant and high ended. - The Muslim league then went forward to strive to achieve their own state however some Muslims also wanted an independent India. 1939 Begin of WW2 11. There was growing conflicts in congress regarding cautious and conservative approach in their campaigns. Gandhi ensured that Nehru became president in 1936-37 and Bose in 1938- Most of the famous leaders in INC supported Gandhi's cautious approach- Bose supported the radical social and economic policies and left the party to form the Forward Bloc Party 12. The situation in India was a complex one for the British however the lack of unity among the nationalists served in British's Interests.- the outbreak of the war meant a postponement of the constitutional reforms laid in 1935. 1. Gandhi introduced a non-violent organisation known as the satyagraha. This campaign involved boycotts of things like British goods, schools, universities etc.
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