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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 A common misconception is that hardwood is hard, and softwood is soft,this isn't the case, these categories are determined by the sort of tree they come from Text Crafts Programming Games Teach COMIC gardening A Quick Guide To Timber A Quick Guide To Timber Hardwood Softwood - Comes from deciduous trees - Comes from coniferous (evergreen) Examples Examples All timber is split in to 2 categories, hardwood, and softwood Name: PineGrows: All over the Northern HemisphereProperties: Soft, white/ paleUses: Furniture All timber is split in to 2 categories, hardwood, and softwood A common misconception is that hardwood is hard, and softwood is soft,this isn't the case, these categories are determined by the sort of tree they come from Name: AshGrows: All over, especially Northern AmericaProperties: Hard, heavy, light brownUses: Structural frames, ladders furniture Name: OakGrows: All over the worldProperties: Heavy, strong, light brownUses: Interior woodwork, furniture Name: CedarGrows: The America'sProperties: Knotty, reddish brown, lightUses: Furniture Name: SpruceGrows: Northern AmericaProperties: Strong, Hard, LightUses: Masts on ships, crates, ladders Other hardwoods include Aspen, Balsa, Birch, Cherry, Elm,Hazel, Basswood, Maple, Teak and Walnut Name: MahoganyGrows: Many tropical/ subtropical forrestsProperties: strong, durable, reddish brownUses: High quality furniture Name: BeechGrows: Europe, Asia, Northern AmericaProperties: Hard, tough, pinkish brownUses: Tool handles, furniture The Benefits of Using Timber-The Carbon Cycle of Wood Building Products Timber is used for building Energy recoverd from waste timber by substitutingfor fossil fuels Timber products recycled Mature trees harvested, sawdustcan be used for energy, chips for panels and paper pulp Forest's absorb this - creatinga carbon sink. Produces oxygen Combustion causes carbon dioxide
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