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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Unitary System in the UK Is a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II Prime Minister: He is the head of the government. Responsible for all policyand decisions oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government agencies, appoints members of the government, and is the principal government figure in the House of Commons. David Cameron MPParliament: Examines what the Government is doing, makes new laws, holds the power to set taxes and debates the issues of the day. The House of Commons House of Lords Hierarchy of power House of Commons: Is publicly elected chamber of the parliament, that debates big political issues of the day, proposals for new laws, examine and challenge the work of the government, debate and pass all laws and enabling the government to raise taxes. Everyone with the possibility to vote in a constituency selects one candidate to be their MP; the candidate that gets more votes becomes the MP for that area until the next election. It has 650 members. Structure of parliament: MPs: Members of the House of CommonsLords: Members of the House of Lords Ministers: Responsible for the actions successes and failures of their department. They are chosenby the Prime Minister. From The House of Lord and/or The House of Commons. 1 prime minister + 21 cabinet minister + 99 other ministers = 121 ministers Members of parliament: House of Lords: It is the second chamber of the UK parliament, that complements the work of the House of Commons: They share the task of making and sharping laws; they also check, question and challenge the work, decisions and actions of the government. The Queen appoints the lords with the advice of the Prime Minister and/or by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. (Independent body) There are around 825 members. They have very few legislative power landneed to work in framework of the laws passed by the central parliament, however they can enact regulationsand the levy rates wit in the limits set by the central government. They are responsible for a range of community services including environmental matters,education, highways and traffic, social services, firefighting,sanitation, planning, housing,parks and recreation, and election. Local Governments: By: Camila Cruz Emilia Guevara
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