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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Major Works Henry David Thoreau Born July 12, 1817 in Concord Massachusetts.Died May 6, 1862 in Concord Massachusetts of tuberculosis. Family Homes Occupation Chronoloogy Thoreau worked as a teacher but is most remembered for his contributions to literature,philosophy and the transcendentalist movement. Henry David Thoreau was bornto John Thoreau and Cynthia Dunbar. Thoreau had two older siblings: John Jr.,and Helen and one younger sibling: Sophia. Concord, MA 1838-1843 1862 Walking 1859 A Plea For Captain Joohn Brown 1860 Succession of Forest Trees Cambridge, MA Canton, MA Cambridge, MA 1854 Life Without Principle 1817-1833 1833-1835 1835 1835-1837 Concord, MA Staten Island, NY Concord, MA 1843 1843-1862 Family home Harvard College Family home Harvard College Emerson home Emerson home Walden Lake Family home 1857 Cape Cod 1845 Waledn 1849 Civil Disobedience 1850 The Maine Woods 1850 A Yankee in Canada 1854 Slavery in Massachusetts 1817 -1828-1833 - 1833-1837 - 1837 - 1838-1841 - 1839 - 1840 - 1841-1843 - 1842 - -1843 - 1844 - 1845-1847 - 1846 - 1847-1848 - 1848 - 1849 - 1850 - 1853 - 1854 - 1856 - 1857 - 1858 - 1859 - 1860 - 1861 - 1862 - double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Born 12, July in Concord, MAAttended Concord AcademyAttended Harvard CollegeTaught at Concord Center SchoolConducted private school, Concord AcademyFormed basis for first book on boating excursionPoems and Essays published in The DialLived with Emerson Brother died of lockjaw,"Natural History of Massachusetts" published "A Walk to Wachusett" and "A Winter Walk" publishedAccidentally set fire to Walden WoodsLived at Walden PondSpent Night in jail for not paying taxesLived in Emerson householdBegan lecturing professionally"Civil Disobedience" published, sister died of tuberculosisTraveled to Cape Cod and QuibecTraveled to Maine WoodsWalden publishedSurveyed New Jersey"Chesuncook" publishedTraveled to White MountainsFather died"The Succession of Forest Trees" publishedTraveled to Minesota to re-gain healthDied may 6 of tuberculosis
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