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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 connected to the internet how people Theory of Gender Development The Psychodynamic Theory Freud is an Austrian neurologist and also known as the "father of psychoanalysis" The psychodynamic theory of gender development was first described by Freud. He believed that we have thoughts and feelings that we are not aware of because they are unconscious. Freud believed that development happens in 5 stages. The third stage is known as the phallic stage, which occurs between the ages of 3 and 5. This is where the child unconsciously sexually desires the opposite-sex parent and is jealous of the same-sex parent. In order to deal with the feelings and the anxiety produced, the child begins to behave like the same-sex parent. This is known as identification. Freud believed this process occurred differently in boys and girls. Relevant Research Freud carried out a case study to investigate the gender development of a boy known as Little Hans. At the age of 4 Hans developed a phobia of horses. He was frightened that a horse might bite him or fall down. He was particularly afraid of large grey horses (white horses with black around the mouth). Freud claimed that Hans unconsciously sexually desired his mother and saw his father as a rival and feared castration. Displacing the fear of his father onto horses, the grey horse represented his father who had a dark beard. Evaluation of Theory -There is no scientific proof that this process happens to humans-It does make Freud's theory more reliable.-We cannot get quantitative data from this theory and any subsequent studies with Freud's beliefs -It ignores the biological side of gender development-Does support Freuds Oedipus Complex; a theory that describe a boys sexual desire for his mother. Teresa and Crystal
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