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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Live Music Fan Profiles Tech Adoption + Social Sharing Entertainment Spending Fans range from least to most socially active &engaged with music Travel 11% Experiences Tech + Media 26% 17% 22% 15% 20% 6% 33% 17% 33% Open feedback loops in mobile dataShifts in Music Discovery, Consumption, and Sharing Yo, I love CrowdFeed! I love supporting artists and engagingwith brands that I actually care about! The Uber Fan Sources: The Mobile Dilemma Tag Alongs Dedicated Diehard Plugged-Indies Super Fans Soloists Plugged-Indie Engaging with Brands Fashion & Accessories Music (digital & physical) The "Urban Hustler" consumer group has shiftedthe marketing tactics for brands. This influential & trendsetting group has grown to 20 million, represents $90 billion in purchasing power, and continues to grow. Created by: Jared Schaffer, Co-Founder at CrowdFeed I get ads in my face all day, and I'm savvy enough to know an ad when I see it. What I care about is connecting with brands that have aligned interests and values of mine. Know me and know what I spend my moneyon, how much, and why. I'm Dave and I'm a super fan. At shows, my social experience isjust as important as the music experience. Most concerts I goto I spend $80+ and I'm willing to spend more to experiencemore. I go to at least 20 concerts a year, and a couple festivals.I've had an iPhone for 5 years, and a tablet for 2 years now. I share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Foursqure at least once a day. Through my devices and networks I discover new music, brands, events, products and people.I live through my mobile devices. I search people/places/things,shop for products, order food, hire services, read news, watch shows, listen to music, and browse the web. attends 20+ live music events a year, owns an iPhone/Android +tablet, a daily active user of 10+ apps, spends $10/month+ on apps, and $10/month+ on digital music downloads/streaming service. | | @crowdfeed
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