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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Trinity The Trinity isthe most importantconcept to understand in all of Church doctrine The Trinity is, as a concept found in majorChurch sources of dogmaincluding the New Testamentand Gospels; and the Nicene Creed The Trinity is best summarized by stating"God is Love," (John: 4:8, 16 The Trinityis so important because it is theclosest we come tounderstanding the natureof the mystery of God The love that God is is known as Agape Many sayings of Christand event such asthe Last Supperare really "mediationson love and community" double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. St. Augustine's"Confessions"labels the trinity as"Lover, Beloved, and thelove between them" (Matthew 18:20)explains that wheneverpeople come together in genuine concern andcare for one anotherthen Jesus is withthem The Nicene Creed was written in terms of the Trinity Criterion for gettinginto Heaven"did you love the leastamong you," Agape is theGreek word for thelove that is entirelyself givingA.K.A. the surrender of the selffor another God is bestthought of asa relationship Also used as criteria for the lastJudgement double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. The Trinityis the ultimate expressionof that relationship double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. This all showswhat God values This is theclosest we cancome to showingwhat God is double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. This goes back to thenature of God, as being love itself double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. This is whatultimately connectsthe trinity tolove
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