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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Rise of The Megacity First Person Account Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Mexico City Megacities are cities with a population in excess of tenmillion. Generally, they are composed in radial format,of which, of which the taller buildingsare near the centre and they shorten in height as they move towards the outskirts of the city. There currently 33 megacities, the largest being Tokyo, Japan.They originally started as normalcities, but during the 'industrial revolution', more and more people began Los Angeles to move into them because of better work opportunities and medical facilities. Rural-urban migration is the act of moving out of rural areas and into urban citiesand towns. This can also occur asa result of the cities expansion into rural areas. Ten years ago, Mexico City was the most populated city on the planet. Itcurrently has 21.2 million people and the largest slum population on the planet. Spanish conquistadors founded Mexico city in 1521, 493 years ago. The federal district extends beyond the north, east and west points of the city. It lies in the middle of an inland basin called MesaCentral. Unlike most major cities, it does not sit on the edge of a river. 45% of the city's population is living in slums. It is approximately1,485 square km.Life expectancy is around 60 years for men and 66 years for women. Los Angeles is located on the west coast of the United States of America, in the state ofCalifornia. It currentlyhosts 10.01 million people and is 1,215 square km. Los Angeles is home to people from140 countries, withresidents speaking in total, 224 different languages. Lifeexpectancy 82 and a half.It is approximately 40 minutes away fromAnaheim and has 80 districts and neighbourhoods. The Santa Ana Mountains are located behind the city. They form a barrier that keeps the smog in. It is also located on The Pacific Ring of Fire. The city's wide lanes combat traffic congestion. Most citizens take publictransport though. My name's Doug and I am extremely glad to be moving back to Australia. I have lived in Seraipanok for 3 years and have fainted four times from thesheer smell. The stench is about as vile as it would feel to have your ears gnawed off by a toothless cat. It is also really loud here. On the quietest days I can hardly hear myself think. Though it must be ten times worse in the slums. I have to catch the bus to school but it's extremely crowded there.A lot like the roads here.There is so much traffic congestion.Speaking of crowded, I still haven'tgotten a look at the slums, but from what I have heard, there's notmuch to look at. The hygiene conditions there must be awful,and the shelters that should be able to house 3 people house around six, and apparently thekids there don't have an education.The adults there are facing it even worse because they don't have an occupation to support their families. Millions of people must live in theslums of Seraipanok.It is just glad we're not on the coast.Then we would be extending into theocean and causing coastal erosion fromthe slum shelters eating away at the fault lines.I just wish the government would take the matter seriously. If I was Prime Minister I would order construction of more homes. The sheer idiocy of this government must be exponentially large. I'm actually considering sending the PrimeMinister a letter explaining this.On the news last night, he said he was going to destroy the slumsto make way for a...sports stadium. Bibliography. Mead N. 2012, The rise of megacities,15/11/14, Maunter C. 2014, Mexico City, 5/11/14, Pitt L. 2013, Los Angeles, 12/11/14, Map of every Megacity on the Planet Map of Mexico City
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