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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Presidential Powers Executive Powers Executing the Law (393 ) The first order of business, the president must accept the Oath of Office. After he accepts the position he is in charge of... - Armed Forces- Social Securty- Minium Wages- Protection of the country- Imigration- Taxes- etc. The Ordience of Powers (394) The president has executive order to uphold the law, and also the ordinance of powers issues from both the Constitution as well as Acts of Congress. The Appointed Power () People who work underneath the president who help him with his job in running the country. The Removal Power (396 ) The President could get rid of a first, second, or third class postmasterwith consulting the Senate and the constitution does not say who or what appointed officers who may be dissmissed Legislative Powers Recomending Legislation (405 ) The President plays two powers which are The Chief of Party and Chief Citizen, and he is able to influence congresses decisions. Veto Power (405 ) The power of the President to veto or reject a bill passing in congress. Diplomatic Powers The Powers to make Treaties (399) In order to have the power to make a treaty the President must get approval by 2/3 of the Senate. However Congress can override the validation of a treaty if it conflicts with existing U.S laws. Executive Agreements(400) To Create agreements that the presidents uses to accept or pass laws. The Power of Recognition(400) President can receive diplomatic representatives in order to exercise the power of recognition. The president is treated as an equal family of nations with our fellow neighboring countries. Military Powers Commander in Chief(401) The president is the main decider whether we go to war or not, and congress has limited power. Undeclared War(401): War declared without Declaration of war and declare war without congresses knowledge. Congressional Resolutions(402): War that is declared by congress.War Powers Resolutions(403): If the president feels war is immediatly nessisary he can act upon it Judical Powers Reprieve (LINK) Pardons(LINK) - commutation(LINK) - Communication can be used to substitute a fully criminal punishment like for example community service. - amnesty(LINK) - can be used to remove criminal activity and is design for people who were in the military or in an economic appeal The power to prove if you are innocent or guilty and may result in the death penality Reprieve - -!/articles/2/essays/89/pardon-poweramnesty- Limits to the president for offenses either made to the U.S. or any other country. Cannot be impeached if any offenses are made by the president.
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