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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Gurney's Pitta According to BirdLife International, the Gurneys Pitta became a concern since 1986. According to Thailand Bird, Its current endangered status is critically endangered, and its current population status is decreasing. Where? (Habitat - Biotic And Abiotic Factors) According to BirdLife International, the population distribution of this bird covers southern Myanmar and peninsular Thailand. It lives in secondary, regenerating, lowland semi-green forest, usually below 160 m in flat areas of slopes less than ten degrees, with an understorey containing Salacca palms, which is where it nests. Recent research suggests the species uses different habitat types in Thailand and Myanmar, which is encouraging for habitat restoration work. Its habitat usually includes access to water, and often close to the forest edge. It shows a heavy reliance on earthworms, in line with other members of the species group. It breeds during the wet season, between April and October. Why? (Major Threats) According to IUCN Red List, The main reason that the Gurneys Pitta is endangered is because of almost total clearance of lowland forest in southern Myanmar and peninsular Thailand through chopping down timber, unofficial logging and conversion of croplands, fruit orchards, coffee, rubber and oil-palm plantations. By 1987, only 20-50 km2 of forest below 100 m remained in peninsular Thailand, and this area continues to decline. In Thailand, snare-line trapping for the cage-bird trade is also a major threat. Action (What Do People Do To Increase Its Population?) Underway:According to IUCN Red List, after its rediscovery in Thailand, a series of breeding censuses were conducted in 1987-1989 to locate and increase populations in peninsular Thailand. The most important of these, Khao Nor Chuchi, was a Non-Hunting area in 1987, and it was upgraded to a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1993. The Khao Nor Chuchi Lowland Forest Project was established in 1990 and engaged local communities in participatory management, education programmes and ecotourism, to help reduce pressure on remaining lowland forest. However, this project has met with limited success as economic motivations continue to govern land-use decisions. A tree nursery has been created by the project in Thailand, with a Treasure Tree programme started with local schoolchildren to encourage involvement in environmental activities such as tree planting, and run activities such as bird and tree identification. A species recovery plan was produced for Thailand in 2002. The capacity for emergency measures is now in place in case the Thai population falls below 5 pairs. This would involve captive breeding and extra feeding. Research is underway to identify the key tree species associated with the birds habitat in Thailand. A project in Myanmar aimed at conserving remaining lowland forest in southern Myanmar started in 2004. There were no protected areas in this area since 2003, but in 2007 the Leyna National Park would protect a large area of suitable habitat.Proposed:According to IUCN Red List, the conservation actions proposed are to establish and effectively protect Leyna National Park as a matter of urgency, to extend strict protected area status to all remaining suitable habitat currently outside Khao Nor Chuchi Wildlife Sanctuary boundaries and to establish a protection unit with direct responsibility for safeguarding all remaining habitat. Appearance When? (Status) The Gurneys Pitta (Classification Name: Pitta Gurneyi) is a bird. According to BirdLife International, its size is 18.5 cm - 20.5 cm. According to Arkive, both sexes have golden-brown wings and backs, and the tail is turquoise. Males have a luminous blue neck and hind crown, while the fore crown, face, sides of the head and belly are black, and the sides are yellow with black stripes. Adult females have yellow crowns, a dark eye patch and the breast and belly are yellowish-brown, colored with black bars. Action (How Can We Further Protect This Species?) I think that the most relevant conservation action for the current status of my animal would be to continue to work on the Wildlife Sanctuary because we would then be able to conserve the species by making sure that there are no predators near it. Continuing to work on the Wildlife Sanctuary would affect the:- Nature side of the sustainability compass in a positive and negative way. The positive effect is that we would be able to conserve the species, and the negative effect is that its predators would lose one of its main sources of food, which may lower its population.- Economy side of the sustainability compass in a positive way. The positive effect is that the Wildlife Sanctuary would be able to earn money from the visitors.- Society side of the sustainability compass in a positive way. The positive effects are that the Wildlife Sanctuary would be able to spread awareness so the society can take action to help conserve the species, and also that the Wildlife Sanctuary would be able to attract tourists so people would be more interested and engaged in the status of the species.- Wellbeing side of the sustainability compass in a positive way. The positive effects is that we would be able to have cleaner air in the environment which would benefit our health status. Nutrition (Food Web) Lifestyle (How Does It Live) Its trophic level in the soil food web is tertiary consumer. The Gurneys Pitta nutrition includes earthworms, ants, a range of insects and spiders. Its predators are squirrels, civets and snakes. According to IUCN Red List, it usually lives in pairs. Works Cited: - "Gurney's Pitta (Pitta Gurneyi)." Gurney's Pitta Videos, Photos and Facts. Wildscreen Arkive, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. <>.- "Gurney's Pitta Pitta Gurneyi." Thailand Bird, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. <>.- "Pitta Gurneyi." (Gurney's Pitta). IUCN Red List, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. <>.- "Species." Gurney's Pitta (Pitta gurneyi). BirdLife International, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. <>.- The Soil Food Web. Digital image. Soil Biodiversity. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2014. <>. (Classification Name:Pitta Gurneyi)
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