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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Written and created by Yeta Kallasi. THE REALITY OF IT. of a of a Shark. Shark. The The Credit for info goes to "S̲h̲a̲r̲k̲s̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲W̲o̲r̲l̲d̲" by Rodney Steel, "S̲h̲a̲r̲k̲" by Miranda MacQuitty,Defenders Of Wildlife, and Britannica for theimages. In the words of Rodney Steel, "Not all sharks are monsters capable of biting a man in half." Of course, if you slapped a shark in the face silly you'd have a death wish and things might not end well. However, these swimming pieces of cartilage aren't as terrifying as they're made to be. As a normal human being, you may see sharks as horrifying killing machines. And you're not wrong for thinking that. After all, that would be your initial thought after seeing movies like "Jaws" and such.For example, if you saw: then it would be human nature to scream like a 5 year old girl. Nonetheless, with my informationaland completely scientific info graph, I believe I can enlighten us homo sapien sapiens about thelogic of the marvelous shark. Lets be honest here. It's common sense sharks aren't as mentally advanced as us humans. We don't see sharks making tea or warming up hot pockets with their body heat. BUT, I am makingthis info graph for a reason. I could tell you rightnow that sharks were simply invented to help stopover-population or that they swam out from ournightmares. Either way, they're here and they're hereto stay. As a matter of fact, the truth of it is we humansare much much petrifying and horrific than a simple shark. Allow me to explain. Philosophy Philosophy THE EXPECTATION. "For every human killed by a shark, million of sharks are killed by humans." 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 45 90 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 45 90 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 45 90 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July CAUSES OF DEATH. 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July 0 50 100 January February March April May June July Shark Finning: Shark finning is exactly what it sounds like. You catch a shark and cut off all of its fins, before throwing it back into the ocean. The fins can be used as soup for a popular Asian delicacy, or can be kept as trophies. Now, the problem with this is obvious. You are FINNING a shark and THROWING IT BACK INTO THE OCEAN. This is a huge reason for the sudden decline in the shark species. Mesh Nets: Mesh nets are also a big reason for the death of sharks. In the 1930s, more than 1,500 sharks were caught on mesh nets and killed. Whether it be accidental or not, this has left a large gap in the amount of sharks in the world. Angling: Angling, according to Wikipedia, is "thesport or pastime of fishing with a rod and line." You just catch fish by using a baited hook attached to a line, which would get reeled in by a fishing rod. Now, of course, you can angle a fish without killing it, buteven when you throw it back into the oceanit can still suffer from many other factors ofthe torturous process if it wasn't killed in theprocess itself. Sharks are most often killedthough, and sometimes on purpose so thattheir jaws can be kept as trophies. Other: There are probably hundreds of other reasons for the threat(s) towards sharks, but I listed some of the main ones. Other reasons include their liver oil being usedfor fuel, pills, and cosmetics. They can also be killed for their meat and skin. WHY/HOW IT CAN BE STOPPED. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Sharks not affected Sharks threatened Sharks endangered You can help stop the decrease in the shark community bydonating to various charitiesthat support sharks, signingpetitions, or doing whateverit is you feel you need to do.By all means, do your researchon how to help out. Just don'tbecome an insane protesterthat shows up at school pep rallies claiming that sharksare the beginning of a new world or something. In case you didn't know, sharks actually help the environment in many ways. For example, they help stop over population of animals like seals. I mean, yeah, it's really sad to think about a ginormous shark preying on an adorable sea lion, but it's just the circle of life. They keep the food chain under control! Just remember that when you go to the beach and DON'T feel fish at your feet, it's because ofsharks. Also, if you're still a little creeped out by how they could possible tear you apart in a single swipe, just remember sharks are actually more curious than aggressive. The only reason theycome near humans is because they want to know why a four-limbedcreature is flailing around like an idiot on the surface. In fact, mostpeople who encounter shark attacks are only bit once before beingleft alone because the shark realized it wasn't its usual prey. When looking at this chart, it doesn't seem like the decline of sharks isn't a problem. You may think, 'Only 11 are endangered! What's the big deal?' Well, imagine if this graph was about humans. Just because they can't sing annoying pop songs or take "selfies" doesn't mean we shouldn't care about them. These animals are killed and left for dead is gruesome, and it's time someone talks about it. WHAT ALL OF THIS MEANS. In the beginning of this infograph, I said I could change your fearful impressions of sharks into ones of curiosity and wonder, or at least something that didn't involve being scared. Hopefully, I've done that.If you think about it, sharks aren't that different from us. They go where theyneed to go, eat what they have, andsurvive the only way they can. Theyjust don't have the simple casualtieswe have, like not having to fight for foodor having thumbs to swipe throughour playlists to find that one song welistened to on repeat for 3 days but thengot really annoyed by. The advantages we have don't matter, though. Whatmatters is that the plain philosophy of a shark is... to survive.
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