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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Learning Journey Assessment of Learning 2011 Reflection allows students to decidehow to get themost out of their learning. Earl, L. (2003) Lorem Sit Amet Summative Assessmentprovides a judgement onthe cumulative effect of student work. Earl, L. (2003) Conferencing Self select the appropriate learning medium, tools and processes for ownneeds. Assessment for learning Collaborate to create a reflective,fair test of what has been learned. 'Fit for Purpose'Where students demonstrate their learning.Brown & Smith (1997) Triangulation of student, teacher & parents Teacher feedback & student reflection Assessment as learning Assessment as learning Reflect on feedback Student and teacherportfolio conference Meta cognitivereflection Assessment for learning Regulatory process inmetacognition Present Learning to peers Opportunities provided by the teacher Carry out student directedexploration Collaborative, Inclusive &equitable Formative Assessment does improve learning (Black and Wiliam, 1998) Formative Assessment does improve learning (Black and Wiliam, 1998) Assessment for learning occurs repeatedlyin the middle of learning. Earl (2003), Marzano (2007). Formative Assessment improves learning Black and Wiliam (1998) Assessment as learning Criteria should be explicit and employa variety of methods.Brown, S. (2004-5) Self reflection Peer and teacher feedback Feedback is in the formof grades or marks. Provides student withinformation regarding their progress. Marzano 2007. Reviewcriteria Make adjustmentsto learning. Regulatory process inmetacognition Prepareassessment of learning Submit task tocertify learning Emphasis maybe on comparing students and not criteria Transparent process with clear and explicit criteria.Brown 2004/5 Formative feedback is crucial. Brown 2004/05 Students are not only contributors to the assessment and learning process but also criticalconnectors. Earl, L. (2003) Usually in the form of tests orexams ContinueLearning Typically comes at the end of the course ContinuousLearning &AssessmentPath ReferencesBlack, P. & Wiliam, D, (1998) Assessmentand classroom learning. Assessment in Education, 5(1), 7-75.Brown, S. (2004-05). 'Assessment for Learning'. Teaching in Higher Education. Issue 1.pp. 81 -89. Brown, S & Smith, B. (1997). Getting to Grips with Assessment. Birmingham. SEDA Publications. p.81.Earl, L. (2003). Assessment of Learning, for Learning, and as Learning. Assessment as Learning; Using Classroom Assessment to Maximise Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press. Marzano, R. J. (2007) The Art and Science of Teaching. Victoria: Hawker Brownlow Education. Formative assessment opportunities Studentsconsidera range ofstrategiesfor learning
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