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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Kinetic Theory of Matter Brian Billman The kinetic theory of matter states that all forms of matter are constantly in motion. How much the matter is in motion determines whether the substance is in solid, liquid, or gas state. This matter is in liquid state. Substances in a liquid state are warmer than that substance's melting point, and colder than its boiling point. Liquids typically take up more space than their solids, but less space than their gasses. This matter is in gaseousstate. Substances in a gaseous state are warmer than the substance's boilingpoint. Gasses typically takeup more space than their liquids and solids do. This matter is in solid state. Substances in a solid state are colder than both liquids and gasses. Solids are colder than the freezing point of the substance's freezing point. Solids typically take up less space than their liquid and gaseous states. The Kinetic theory of matter:Molecules and atoms are in constant motion, and the higher the temperature,the greater the speed. WARMERTHAN WARMERTHAN Even though matter might not look like it is moving, according to the kinetic theory of matter, it is.This is on an atomic scale so it is unnoticable without running experiments on it. For water, its freezing point is 32 degrees Fahrenheit, which means water becomes a solid (ice) below 32 deg F.Liquid water is never below 32 deg F and solid water (ice) is never above 32 deg F. This goes with theboiling point and freezing point of all matter. Information gathered from Exploring creation with chemistry by Dr. Jay Wile. Warmest Coldest
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