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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Jiyeh Power Station Oil Spill Happened on July 14, 2006 when Israeli Air Force bombed fuel storage tanks. In the city of Lebanon, Israel. this caused the release of heavy fuel oil into the Mediterranean Sea. Around 15 000 to 25 000 tonnes of oil leaked into the ocean. (more than 4 million gallons) The oil spread 160km alongthe coast of eastern Lebanon, as well as spreading about 10km wide The oil spreading affected beaches, rivers, small streams, public and private resorts including cultural and historical areas. Strong winds and water currentscarried the pollution upwards, reaching the southern coast of Syria. Named the largest ever oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea. The Ministry of Environment of Lebanon requested assistance from more than 31 countries, and contacted 71 national & international organizations requesting help. The oil exposed to the water killed many species of fish, some of even coming near extinction in the Mediterranean such as the Bluefin tuna. Also threatened the habitatof the endangered green sea turtle. An additional 25 000 tons of oil burned at the power station created a toxic cloud that rained oil according to some. The Lebanese government estimated the time necessary for a complete recovery could be about 10 years. The UN estimated the costfor the initial cleanup to be at around $64 million. Exposure to this contaminated water can potentially increase the risk of cancer in humans. The UN General Assemblypassed a resolution by 170 votes to 6 that Israel will be held responsible for this devastation. Israel will assume responsibility for compensation for the costs of repairing the environmental damage and restoration. Short term and long term effects include a downfall in the fishing industry, damage to environmentand wildlife, also a negativeeffect to Lebanon`s tourism.
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