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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Great Depression and The Great Recession The Great Depression wascaused by people takingrisks by buying stock usingcredit. When the people boughtthe stock, they expected it togain value over the years.But as years went on, the stocklost it's value, so the peoplewho owned the stock lost LOTSOF MONEY!!!! The Great Recession also failed when people wouldbuy the mortgages from the mortgage lenders,then when people found out they couldn't pay themortgage anymore, people started defaulting theirhouses, so the banks were stuck with all of thesehouses that contained just about no economic value. People began defaulting their houses.Defaulting a House = No Value No, one huge cause of the Great Recession was not from houses catching on fire. This picture symbolizes theburst of the Housing Market,causing it to fail No, one huge cause of the Great Recession was not from houses catching on fire. This picture symbolizes theburst of the Housing Market,causing it to fail When the housing market crashed,there were too many bankers whoweren't receiving income becausethe loans were being sold to risky homeowners Too manypoor peoplebecominghomeless One great cause of the Great Depressionwas back in 1929 whenthe Stock Market Crashed - A risky homeowner ranged in different ways. It can meanthe homeowners are poverty-stricken, have manyfamily members, or even livingoff of welfare and support fromthe state in which they live - One great cause of the Great Depressionwas back in 1929 whenthe Stock Market Crashed During this time, many peoplelost their homes. Approximately60% of homeowners lost their homes, 40% didn't, but came close it. No, one huge cause of the Great Recession was not from houses catching on fire. This picture symbolizes theburst of the Housing Market,causing it to fail
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