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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The exercise guide Warm Up: Deep Breating and stretching Cool Down: Relaxation exercises Aerobic Exercise By. Alayah Khan With deep breathing exercises, it is important to focus on expirationPatients with anorexia nervosa have a decrease in expiration ratio. The appropriate ratio should be inspiration: expiration 1:2. Make sure to have a deep inhale followed by a longer exhale. Contraindications/ Precautions: Be aware of fatigueBe aware of over exercising/stretching the patientMonitor blood pressure before during and after exercising, make sure it has not dropped any lower than 87/58 mmHgWatch out for orthostatic hypotensionStop if dizziness occurs, may be a sign of orthostatic hypotension ** Contraindications/ Precautions:Be aware of fatigueBe aware of over exercising/stretching the patientMonitor blood pressure before during and after exercising, make sure it has not dropped any lower than 87/58 mmHgWatch out for orthostatic hypotensionStop if dizziness occurs, may be a sign of orthostatic hypotension Elliptical Endurance training 15-20 minutes on the elliptical, moderate intensity Endurance training will increase muscle and joint strength and build healthy weight. Patients with anorexia and stable angina. " Stretching lower and upper extremities, 5 minutes 30 second hold on each stretch.Relaxation Exercises:o To decrease any unnecessary muscle contractions, commonly the traps and scalenes.o Lower HR down to RHR: 55bpm Background Information When exercising: The importance of a cool down is to regulate heart rate and bring itback down to resting heart rate. Angina is a condition in which it is common to start experiencing symptoms of pain after exercise if not cooled down properly. The warm up should include deep breathing exercisesand sets of 30-second stretches to the lower and upperextremities as well as the trunk to warm up the muscles in preparation to exercise.
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