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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Effects of Imperialism With their superior artillery developed, the Europeans devastated the local populations quickly and easily. Two types of colonies became established and the ones in Africa were categorized as tropical dependencies in which small numbers of Europeans ruled large populations of non-Western peoples. Europeans governed drawing on older precedents in their administrative, legal, and educational systems. Christians were often the minority and favored in becoming part of the civil service or police. Higher education was not promoted in Africa due to racial prejudices and thus there was less graduates and less of a middle class. The Europeans and native people were kept socially segregated. Native local leaders were imposed to settle disputes, punish criminals, and collect taxes. New consequences were arranged as to promote export production through consequence and reward. Harsh taxes were imposed as railways and roads became popular. Low wages were givenas the profit went to Europeans. Disease spread rapidly hurting the native population for which immunities were eventually developed. Social divisions clashedas did European settlers and representatives. Extensive miscegenation between the Boers and Khoikhoi lead to the large 'colored' population present today. The Boers lost theland to the British who gained a vital sea link to India. The Boers were forced to leave their home in the Great Trek where they met many new influences and clashed with the Bantu. They would establish the two Boer Republics and conflict with the British would lead to the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) The Dutch gained monopoly control over the spices produced on the smaller islands of the Indonesian archipelago. The Dutch would then gain control of the whole Java island. Social systems were left alone as newcomers would form a new hierarchy atop existing classes such as the aristocracy and old ruling families. Day to day administration was left to the locals except for the highest level. Dwellings, the dress, eating and work habits, and luxury traditions of the native population were slowly and hesitantly adopted. Social divisions were crossed over with much miscegenation between the many male Europeans and Asian women. The Dutch had little interest in allowing Christianity into their territories. Western education also became implementedand highly prized with the Dutch favoring those who had learned of the western culture to become officials. In the Pacific there were many clashes between the native people, Europeans, and the native people and Europeans. Olderprecedents were drawn on in establishing administrative, legal, and educational systems. Before the European arrival manyof the Pacific colonies had lived in varying degrees of isolation so a corruptive new culture from the Europeans greatly hurt and disrupted their individual societies. Disease was also a huge and harmful factor in the decimating of the Pacific populations. Again, having been in isolation the natives had to gradually build up immunities as their numbers dwindled. In New Zealand this was true when the Maori were drawn into alcoholism and prostitution with the introductionof the Western influence. Additionally, they were sold western firearms, revolutionizing Maori warface as the death rateskyrocketed. Their land was also seized from them by new herders and farmers' arrivals. Eventually the Maori would fight back with British law, build up immunities, and slow down warfare. With the capture of the India, the British began the methodof employing sepoys or Indian troops. There was the establishment of the BritishRaj mainly as a result of a fierce British and French rivalry. The British officials went to war with the regional princes after securing the fertile Bengal regionmeaning a territorial expansion and added divisions between the princes. Three presidencieswould make up most of the captured territory also ruled from three administrative centers:Bombay, Calcutt, and Madras. Princes were left on their throne to control the estateunder watch of stationed agents. The threat of the British was taken less seriously than the threatof rival successors. With the capture of India the British also brought their largest numberof colonized people under their control. Indian ports were also essential to British sea power east of the Capeof Good Hope. As the century progressed, it would become the major outlet for British overseasinvestment and manufactured goods as well as raw materials. The social hierarchies were leftalone save for adding a top class with the arrival of more Europeans. Native culture was slowly and hesitantly adopted. Corruption spread yet was stopped by Lord Cornwallis with sweeping reforms and enforcement. Methodism spreadand western education was highly prized and promoted. Steps were also taken to eradicate old traditionssuch as sati while Europeans believed in their superior status.
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