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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Technology and Its' Effect of the Generations Technology and Its' Effect of the Generations The Silent Generation 1920s 1940s The Silent Generation 1920s - 1940s The Baby Boomers 1940s 1960s The Baby Boomers 1940s - 1960s Generation X1960s - Early 1980s Generation YEarly 1982s - 1990s Generation @1990s - Present The Internet Is Everywhere The Internet Is Everywhere Use of the Internet has grown significantly with the availability of access points, devices that connect, and the ease of getting online. No matter the age, each generation is using the Internet for a variety of reasons. Using the Online World Internet Use Using the Online World - Internet Use 58% 58% 58.5% 58.5% 86% 86% 95% 95% 93% 93% What Are They Using the Internet For? What Are They Using the Internet For? 90% 90% 91.5% 91.5% 94% 94% 96% 96% 73% 73% Social Networking was something that was varied comparted to email. The trend would lean to the younger the group, the more users of a social netwoorking site. The only exception again was Generation @as many are restricted from joining by site policies. 34% 34% 46.5% 46.5% 62% 62% 83% 83% Email, or digital snail mail, is one area that seems each generation is consistantly using.The one exception would be Generation @ as they are the youngest and may not be allowed access for a vareity of reasons. 73% 73% Source: Pew Research Center; Source: Pew Research Center; Blog All About It! Blog All About It! Reading a blog is defiently more popular than working on one. However, there are some peopleusing blogs to highlight their work, opinion, andadvice on countless topics. 26% 26% 34% 34% 43% 43% 49% 49% 23% 23% Source: Pew Research Center; Source: Pew Research Center; 8% 8% 11% 11% 16% 16% 18% 18% 14% 14% Source: Pew Research Center; Wanna Take a Selfie? Wanna Take a Selfie? 4% 4% 9% 9% 24% 24% 55%* 55%* Source: Pew Research Center;* = No specific differentiation; data labeled as Millenials Email Social Networking Writing a Blog The Phone Without a Cord The Phone Without a Cord Everyone seems to have a cell phone these days. Gone are the days whereyou are tied down to your house waiting for that all important phone call. Nowyou can be practically anywhere and still get that call - in your pocket, purse,holder, or case. Blogs are all over the web and can be accessedpractically everywhere. Anyone can have a blogthese days, just got a Google account and useBlogger. Blogs are a great source of opinion andinformation. Reading a Blog Cell phones have changed the way the wordcommunicates. Landlines are becoming a thingof the past and even phone coversations are being replaced by instant messages, Facebookmessages, and text messages. I Have a Cell Phone 74% 74% 88% 88% 97% 97% 98% 98% 78%+ 78%+ Source: Pew Research Center; Source: Pew Research Center; I Have a Smart Phone Smart phones have revolutionized communication.Anything you can do on a computer can now bedone on a Smart Phone. The more time passes,the more advanced the phones seem to get. 19% 19% 49% 49% 74% 74% 83% 83% Selfie is word used to describe taking a picture of yourself with or without someone else.It seems to be the new thing to do and extremely popular with the newest generation. 47%+ 47%+ Pictures of Me and You You Use Your Cell Phone for What? You Use Your Cell Phone for What? Use of Cell Phones for Things Other Than Talking Cell Phones aren't just used for talking anymore. Here are some things people who own a cell phone do with their phone other than talk on it. These statistics are based on cell phone users and are not differentiated byage or generation. The percents represent the percent of cell phone owners who use there phone for theitems listed. Sends/Receives Text Messages 81% 81% Access the Internet 60% 60% Access Email 52% 52% Listen to Music 48% 48% Check In/Share Location 8% 8% Source: Pew Research Center; Would You Like to Use Your Target Card? Would You Like to Use Your Target Card? Using the Internet for Online Shopping If you want it, you can buy it - on the Internet. The Internet has become very popular for buying anythingyou may need or want. Sites like and specialize in online shopping. It issurprising how imilar the generations are when it comes to online shopping. 59% 59% 66.5% 66.5% 66% 66% 68% 68% 48% 48% Source: Pew Research Center; That Isn't Nintendo, Is It? That Isn't Nintendo, Is It? Using the Internet for Online Gaming Move over Pong and your joystick controller on the Atari! With the advancement in technology,the way kids, and adults, play video games has changed drastically. Each generation has peopleplaying online, but is clearly dominated by the youngest generation. 25% 25% 27% 27% 38% 38% 50% 50% 78% 78% Source: Pew Research Center;
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