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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1790-1820s 1820s-1830s October 1825 The Canal Age The Canal Age During this "turnpike era", roads were largely reliedupon for transportation. Larger rivers were being usedfor transportation of not only people, but of goods as well.Barges floated downstream with the cargo and taken apartat the end of the journey because they couldn't go upstream.Goods had to be sent back by land, which could take months In the 1820s, steamboats became moreused and were also improved. These made it incredibly quicker for goods to be shippedfrom state to state. Eventually, passengerswere also able to board upon the steamboats Still, farmersand merchantsweren'tcompletelysatisfied withthis method so highwaysacross mountains werecreated. Canals were created, allowing for cheaper and more convenient transportation for goods. Horseswould walk along towpaths found paralell tothe canals, and could pull a hundred tons24 miles every day. The Erie Canal The Erie Canal is considered the greatest construction project the United Stateshas undergone. Various cuts and fills needed to be made, since thecanal neede to go through hills, valleys, and forests. The Erie Canal was an"engineering triumph and financial success as well Opening of the Erie Canal.There were ceremoniesand celebrations, andit was used so much thatseven years later, tollsrepaid the entireconstruction cost. NewYork had direct accessto Chicago and the West. New Orleans was increasingly replaced by New Yorkin terms of the ideal destination for agricultural goods,other Western products, and manufactured goods.Ohio and Indiana later provided water connectionsbetween Lake Erie and the Ohio River. White settlement in the Northwest increased because migrants wereable to travel quicker and easier, and their goods couldbe shipeed back to the Eastern markets. Many other states tried to createsimilar canals but pretty muchfailed; it was too hard for themto get land out of the way andthey lost a lot of money.
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