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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OCEANIA THE AMERICAS BOTH -Included highlymilitaristic stateswhich were known for theirwarrior classes Katrina Tilley & Azza Mohamed Development of the Americasand Oceania POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT What is the comparison of the political and economic development between the Americas and Oceania? Societies Americas the majority of the population dwelled on the side of the mountian, Danibaan "sacred mountain The Zapotecs -thoecracywith elite class of nobles and priests ruling over population. 20,000 Oceania -Social Hierarchy-Specialization ofLabor -Centralized governmentswere limited- rulingchiefs maintainedcity states -Introductionof the sweet potato increased population in New Zealand, expanding workforce THE AMERICAS BOTH OCEANIA -Did not have extensivetrade network becauseof limited contact withthe rest of the world -Agriculture was primarily located everywherethroughout the Americas -Agriculture developed at the same time as rest of the world,except for Australia -No advancedtechnology untilintroduced byEuropeans specialzation of work-men hunted-women gathered In Papa New Guinea-No elite class-No priests in control-Local chiefs ruled over population people worked to sustain population and in turn didn't have timeadapt to new crafts or skills
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