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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Why You Need Leasing Software Why You Need Leasing Software Infographic by Store all your leases securely on cloud-based leasing software,saving you physical space and time spent on internal processingand archiving. Ensure 100% IFRS Complaince An organised portfolio is much easier to review,making accurate reporting much easier, especiallywith the pending new lease accounting standard. Full Audit Trail Increase Savings and Reduce Costs Having your leases consolidated allows you to clearly see and act on money saving opportunities from extended agreements and unwanted assets. Secure Cloud-Based Storage Tailored Reporting Analyse your leases efficiently with tailored graphs andreports. Easily track savings, number of assets, upcoming notice dates and more to keep on top of your portfolio. Analyse your leases efficiently with tailored graphs andreports. Easily track savings, number of assets, upcoming notice dates and more to keep on top of your portfolio. Arrange Notifications Negotiate Better Deals By having full control of your lease portfolio, you can see potential money saving opportunities and what features work best for your company's procurement needs. By having full control of your lease portfolio, you can see potential money saving opportunities and what features work best for your company's procurement needs. So Why Not Upload Your Leases? Leasing and leasing software go handinhand so if your businessrelies on leased assets, why not make the most of all these greatfeatures?For more information on the benefits of leasing software and toorganise a demo with LOIS, Innervision's very own cloud-based lease portfolio management software: Leasing and leasing software go hand-in-hand so if your businessrelies on leased assets, why not make the most of all these greatfeatures?For more information on the benefits of leasing software and toorganise a demo with LOIS, Innervision's very own cloud-based lease portfolio management software: Visit Reduce Processing Time and Storage If leasing is important to your business, then your lease portfolio should be too. Lease management software isavailable and although you may not have considered it a priority, there are several reasons you should consider getting some. Set alerts and reminders for end of lease notice datesand other contractual obligations to make sure younever breach the terms of use. Be assured that important lease schedules and documentationare backed up on a secure server. Control accessibility by settingtailored user levels to match your internal structures. With a centralised system for lease management, you are able to see a full audit for the entire leasing process - from inception right through to termination.
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