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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 my site Website Sidebar Website Websites can be made using HTML, CSS,JavaScript and PHP but the design can bethe most important. Firefox Think about use of 'Child Protection' Footer Body Notes The good the bad and the ugly. Header Chrome It's too easy to hide behind the 'Child Protection' banner. It doesn't always mean the same thing. Some research suggests it may carry negative connotations for some people, and it may prevent us from accessing the mainstream. This doesn't mean we should completely abandon the term. Lisa Witters'/WithoutViolence evidence was based on a limited sample at the World Economic Forum, making no reference to Child Protection in a humanitarian context. Moreover, the recommendation that we only speak of 'ending violence' raises larger questions about our ability to shape the discourse rather than simply feed people in the way that is most palatable. It is suggested that we retain -- and better explain -- the concept of protection. Ultimately, we may choose to use both 'violence' and 'protection' terminology where appropriate, understanding that protection is an important concept in IHL, and that when we speak about protection we uphold and reinforce the State's reponsibility to provide protection, including through the provision of services to which children have a right.This is an important basis for advocating for the strengthening of Child Protection frameworks (protection, education, legal and judicial systems etc.) to cover all children in a given territory. The CPMS themselves contain language that explains efforts to keep children safe and protected without saying 'Child Protection'. 'Samira' and the new cartoon also unpack the concept effectively. A few (of many) examples from the CPMS: p.44: Key services to help children who have been affected by emergencies are delivered by competent and qualified staff. p.44: Agencies that have contact with children have recruitment processes and human resource policies that include measures to protect girls and boys from exploitation and abuse by humanitarian workers. p.50: Communicating issues and violence against children in a way that is respectful of boys and girls dignity, best interests and safety.p.62: Information about the violence and other problems that children face is managed in a way that respects confidentiality, in accordance with the do no harm principle and in the best interests of children. CPiE/CPMS Messaging How do we talk about the work we do?
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