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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 37 Young Adults were surveyed on their school starttimes, amount of time they slept eachnight, and their behaviors in school.They included current high schoolstudents, and recent graduates. They all had somethingin common: Think that's too early? Yeah, so did they. YAWN Are Students Getting Enough Sleep? Their high schoolsall started before 8:00 am <5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 Hours Slept Each Night Hours 0 5 10 15 20 8 3 3 9 13 Number of Responses Only 3 of these 37 students are getting the necessary amount of sleep! Experts recommend for teens to sleep at least 8 to 9 hours each night. Sleep deprivation has been linked to numerous behaviors including falling asleep in class,depressed moods, short tempers, negative attitudes and more. According to thestudents, these behaviors were regularly exhibited in class. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 253331302219232131031311615 As you can see, many students are exhibiting manynegative behaviors in class,possibly due to sleep deprivation.According to research, many of these behaviors correspondto sleep deprivation in teens. It is disappointing to see suchhigh percentages in behaviors that do not promote apositive learning environment. Clearly they are not performingtheir best. In order to be successful in higher level educationor in the workforce, students need to function at full capacity,so sleep is necessary. However,schools will want to end at the same time, so adjustmentswill need to be made in the bell schedules. Falling Asleep in ClassDay-dreamingFatigueNegative AttitudeDepressed MoodsShort Temper/Easily IrritatedGrumpinessDelinquencyThoughts of Skipping Class to SleepSkipping Class to SleepEasily DistractedProcrastinationUnwillingness to ParticipateDependency on Caffeine 73% want to delay theirschool's start time 81% 8% 11% Preferences to Accommodate the Time Change Varying Daily Schedules Shortened Periodswith FasterInstruction Less Time Between Classes Obviously, most students want change, andthey're willing to work with a new schedule.Students want and need more sleep in orderto be productive and successful in class.With more sleep, their behaviors, grades, andhealth will improve, as evidenced in researchconducted at the University of Minnesota. Consider the students wants when schedulingyour classes this year. 70% are willing to make accommodations to assist a schedule change Works Cited: Wahlstrom, Kyla. "Changing Times: Findings From theFirst Longitudinal Study of Later High School Start Times." NASSPBulletin 86 (2002): 3-21. University of Minnesota. Web. Heather Gosnell To get more sleep, schools can adjusttheir start times to later in the morning to accommodate theadolescents circadian rhythms, or body clocks.
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