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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Technology in the Classroom in the 21st Century Using Technology Effectively for Learning Importance of Technology in the Classroom Technology Tools in Learning Sarah Titus - Technology can be used all over the USA! Schools can communicate with one another through technology such as Skype and email. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. - Technology is international. - Smart board games & lessons- Desktop computers, laptops, iPad, iTouch- Skype- Google Drive- Pinterest - Students show improvement with the use of technology! According to the US Department of Education, there has been a significant increase in testing scores with students who participated in a technologically rich classroom. Source: - Students can communicate with other students internationally.- Students can access information from online libraries and databases.- Students can actively participate in the classroom using technologies such as smart boards & computer technologies.- Allow students to become more open minded and aware of other cultures.- Encourages group work through making it easier for students to work together outside of the classroom. - According to the article titled "Study Finds Benefits in Use of iPad as an Educational Tool,"English was the major subject area students were able to successfullyuse the iPads to assist in their learning. Resource:
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