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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Fall 2014 Winter 2016 Insurance Broker Enterpeurneur Summer 2016 Five Years Later... Suzanna's Roadmap You are here EXAM TIME My motivation to succeed at Seneca Collegewas to make my family proud,start my career in two years when I graduate, and feel a sense of accomplishment graduating young with a career. Fall 2015 Winter 2015 Next semester I will be seeking help at the Learning Center because I have accounting and math, which are the subjects I dislike. Furthermore, reflecting back on my grades for those courses from high school, I will need tutoring and the Learning Center service is already covered within our tuition. The Learning Center will help improve my academic performance and help improve my grades. Winter semester 2015, I plan to get involved in the Varsity Badminton Club at Seneca York. In addition, by getting involved at Seneca it willenhance my networking skills and social skills. Those traits will help me in career success because communication is a major part of the insurance industry. Lastly, badminton is one of my favorite sports and I would like to get more active. My reasons of attending Seneca College has not changed over the semester my goals remain the same to graduate in two years, have a 3.0 GPA, and get straight into the workforce. My program of choice at Seneca College is Business Insurance because of the higher demand for jobs. I have always wanted to become an entrepreneur. To become an entrepreneur, I require lots of capital;therefore I will plan to work in the insurance industryas my first career, while seeking out ideas and capitaltoward my future venture/franchise. Code I live by FINISH Fall semester 2015 I will start using the Seneca Library resources. Moreover, I will start studying at the Seneca Library and use the online database for articles for my business reports. In addition,this will minimize distractions such as my tv, bed and family members. Also, the Seneca online database provides me with access to the most current newspaper articles at no cost. This will enhance my academic performance, as I am provided with current articles to use in my business reports and I will become more aware of today’s society by reading the articles. Badminton HELP? Graduation I want to achieve a overall 3.0 GPA because it's a realistic goal for myself with the effort I put intomy work and studying. Five years after working in the insurance industry,I hope to finally own a franchise. With many more franchises to come.franchises.To be continued... In my last semester, Winter 2016, I would liketo get involved in the Helix program. Moreover,I would like to meet more people who have a passion to become an entrepreneur, like I do. By joining Helix, I will be able to network with many other students and develop leadership skills through the training and seminars. Therefore, the Helix program at Seneca will help my career success through networking,personal leadership development and creation of innovation. Helix will also provide me withthe opportunity to apply for funds to start up my business. DISTRACTION READING WEEK ! 3.0 GPA During reading week winter semester 2015,I plan to read ahead afew chapters in my textbooks, get ahead onassignments, catch upon sleep and go to work. Factors that will make my plan difficult is work,time management skills and electronic devices that will cause distraction.To minimize these factors I will reduce my amount of hours at work, create a calendar to plan out study times and shut off all electronic devices during study time. Saving up formy franchise
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